Time To Go

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Sophie POV

So I was stood outside of Stephs house. I look up and see one light on. Then, a face peers out of it. Steph. I wave frantically with a huge smile on my face. She is grinning too. 'Hey hunni, you coming?' She whispered down. I nodded and squeezed my eyes shut, pictured her room and waited for the now familiar pop. 

Steph POV

I looked out of my window and Sophie was there. So it really was true. I didn't want to not believe her but to be honest, its not the kind of thing that you would believe. She waved up at me as I opened the window. 'Hey hunni, you coming?' I whispered to her and she nodded. I watched in fascination as she closed her eyes and less than a second later, she was gone. I blinked and looked again. I looked around the street. Was this a prank? Were my eyes playing tricks again? 

'I love your room!' I hear from inside. I jump and look around. There she is, sat on my bed giggling at me. I quickly close the window and go sit next to her. I still don't fully believe what I just saw. How is this possible? I reach out and touch her arm to see if she is real. She giggles again.

Sophie POV

I sat on her bed giggling. She looks so confused. Mind you, I would too. 'No way!' She whispered and I laughed. She joined in. We laughed really hard and all of a sudden she fell off the bed. We laughed even harder. 'QUICK!' Steph whispered to me. 'I CAN HEAR MY MUM ON THE STAIRS!' I gasped and jumped under her bed, just in time. As soon as I was under the bed, I saw the door open. 'Oh honey, its eleven o'clock why aren't you in bed?' 'Sorry mum' i hear. 'Goodnight dear i love you,' i hear. The light goes off and the door closes. We waited about two minutes before Steph switched the light back on.

Once I had got out from under the bed, I explained how it happens. She says 'so where are we going then?' I explain where we are going and how we are getting there. 

'Buckle up! We are going to Miami!!'

This is  from the time when everyone was still in Miami!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2019 ⏰

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