Chapter one - Eric

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Eric Mendax rolled out of his bed in the morning with a groan. He landed on the floor with a soft thud, and shakily pulled himself to his feet.
This was his routine by now.

He heard something paddy-pawing up the stairs, and smiled to himself as the dog ran into his room and barked happily at him.

"Hey Matty" he murmured, petting the soft fur of his excited dog. Letting the dog lead him downstairs, Eric grinned as he heard the familiar sound of his younger brother making breakfast. Or 'destroying the kitchen' as most would put it.

He followed the dog towards the sound of punk-rock music and chaos, smiling wide. "Samael! Turn it down would you, I was trying to sleep!"

The music stopped as Eric felt his brother's arms wrap around him, hugging him tightly. Protectively. "Eric, it's twelve in the afternoon...on Friday. I was so scared you wouldn't wake up, I..."

"Hey, Shh. It's okay. I'd just pulled a few all nighters in a know me. Always busy..." Eric swallowed. He'd slept for over a day...? Jeez...that's a lot. "I'm sorry, Sammie. I'll try harder to be responsible."

He pulled away from the hug, and smiled at his 12 year old brother. " about some food, yeah? I'm starving." He chuckled cheerily, getting a weak laugh in reply.

"Yeah...Okay. I was trying to make waffles...but I think I messed up. I can't reach the recipe book, so I did it from memory..." Sam sighed slightly. "I don't get what I'm doing wrong."

"Sam, you have an awful memory." Eric said bluntly, hearing his brother giggle slightly in return.

"That'll be why I can't do it, then. Help me...pleeeeeeease!"

"Fine. But make something simpler...eggs on toast. Okay?" Eric felt the table behind him, and pulled himself backwards so he was sat atop the tabletop. He heard his brother sit next to him, and smiled gently. "I love you, Sammie."

"Yeah, whatever, teach me how to cook!!" Sam laughed, his carefree happiness quickly spreading to Eric. Soon the kitchen was full of laughter as the pair tried and failed to make toast without it burning.

As the kitchen filled with the thick smell of smoke, Eric heard a loud bark. He sighed, and smiled slightly. "Matty, calm down boy. It's just smoke...we're fine. I promise."

He chuckled as he heard Sam open the windows. " suck at cooking. I mean, I should've known, but..."

"It's not MY fault you can't follow instructions!" Eric laughed in return, petting the frightened doggo by his feet. After thinking for a moment, He smiled. "So...takeaway?"

"Definitely" he heard Sam sigh, and he felt his hand be held by a smaller one as he was lead out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"Okay, I'll order us a pizza, and you take Matty for a walk. Deal?" Eric asked, as he was handed the landline phone.

"Make it a pizza each!"

"In your dreams." Eric laughed. "Just..walk the dog, yeah? He needs to get outside."

"Fine." he heard Sam relent, as the front door opened. "But it's your fault if I die!"

Eric started dialing the pizzaria, sighing gently. "I accept that blame. Now go already!"

The front door shut, and Eric sighed. Sitting down on the floor, the 20 year old boy swallowed hard. He ordered the pizza, making sure it was half the kind Sam would like, and half plain margarita. Hanging up, he leant backwards until he was on his back, facing the ceiling above.

His mind was racing, internal fears flooding like the sea. Worry drenched each thought, staining them all with anxiety. He was drowning inside his own head.

...Maybe he shouldn't have sent Sam out on his own. He could get hurt. Sam had said it himself, the blood would be on his hands if his brother died. He couldn't live with that guilt, not again.

Eric sat up, near tears just from the chaos in his head. Every second he was alone, he was dying a slow and painful death at the hands of his fears. The darkness he saw consumed his every moment, his entire being was shadowed and lost.
Listening to the silence, Eric drew a deep breath. He was fine. Sam was fine. Everything was going to be okay.

Whilst not silencing his mind, the thoughts did sooth the storm raging inside.

He swallowed, and thought for a moment. Sam had set up one of those Smart Home things for him, right? Last christmas...
Yeah. He remembered now. It wasn't too hard to work it, right? But what had he set the trigger name to be...

Oh. Of course. Typical Sam.
"Lucy, Play my music playlist.'

...nothing happened. Eric groaned, and tried again. Louder this time. "Lucy, play my music playlist."

...Stupid old technology. Must be broken...

He groaned, and stood up. The silence killing him, he started to hum gently. Fill the void with the songs inside his head. He had the time, after'd be a while until Sam got back. He had to regain his composure fast. His brother couldn't know how he felt, it'd kill him.

Sam couldn't find out Eric was suffering.

And so, he hummed. Silence hurt too much to be heard.
A song from his childhood. Something peaceful. Calm. Quiet. A remnant of a far more peaceful time...

And then he heard it. Someone singing along. His blood felt as though it ran cold in his veins as he stopped, slowly fading his tune so as not to sound suspicious to the intruder.
The voice was slightly metallic, and felt young. As though it were familiar...

The song sounded like it was coming from the left, so he turned his head to face it. This way, at least he wouldn't make himself appear as vulnerable as he was.

He felt the phone in his hand, and went to call the police. Fear flooded him, he couldn't think. What...what was the number again?
And yet, when his head cleared enough to remember, the voice was gone. Maybe the intruder had left...?

Terrified, Eric contemplated his situation. The did the person know the words to that song? It didn't...didn't make sense. It sounded like someone he'd known, but had forgotten. Repressed. As the guilt came crawling back, he swallowed hard.

He couldn't report it. It was nonsense...maybe the darkness had finally drove him mad...

Lying down on the floor, listening to the dial tone as he hung up the phone, Eric had never felt more useless in his whole life.

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