5 Bucks | Chpt 29

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"Whatever Lance, you do you," I said, focusing in on my book so that he would turn his attention to his girlfriend. After a while of talking with Pidge in class, I glanced over at Lance and Nyma. She was giggling and he wore a smirking expression. I watched them, a sad smile on my face.

They looked so happy.

I turned to Pidge, watching her show me a cool new gadget her dad had found. I smiled wider, happy that the people around me were happy.

So happy.

The day was normal, and Keith decided to spend the afternoon with me before the game.

"Oh come on, you have to come to the bonfire! Lance even said he would let you come!!"

"Let me come? What a prick. Why do you like him again?" I frowned.

"Wow moodkiller, way to bring down the atmosphere."

"Okay, okay, but you better not ditch me," he huffed. I smiled. "Especially not for Lance."

"I won't, besides, I'm happy if he's happy," I said. He raised an eyebrow.

"Look who's all mature," he commented and I shrugged.

"I don't know, it's just, yeah I like him and all, but he always looks so happy with Nyma and it makes me happy to see him happy. I love that for all of you guys. So it's okay we're not together. That was something I got from my mother. Yeah my logical side doesn't think this ideal, but my loyal Hufflepuff side wants to keep all the people around me happy. Because that's what makes me happy. My mom always said that sort of thing." I glanced to Keith who was smiling at my little ramble. "A rare smiling Keith?! Quick take a picture!!"

"Oh shut up," he said, his face warm.

"Okay, I'm going to get dressed," I said, getting up. "Wait here, I'm going to be back and we can walk to the field."

I, of course, ended up winning.

I strolled up, wearing a smug grin on my face. Lance looked pissed, holding out 5 dollars for me to take.

"Why thank you sir, good game," I said, Nyma giggling from behind him.

"Yeah whatever," he said, glancing away.

"I smell a sore loser," I said.

"You got your 5 bucks, why don't you just lay off already!" He snapped, pulling Nyma past. I exchanged a glance with her and she looked guilty. Was he angry? At me? Or someone else?

I glanced down at the 5 dollars in my palm with a concerned look. I gripped it tightly in my fist and glanced back at them. Why wasn't he happy?

Keith met up with me, bringing me to the awaiting group. I changed again, ready for the bonfire outside the school walls. When we arrived, the fire was already roaring and Lance sat alone on a bench. I glanced to Keith, who I promised I wouldn't leave. I sighed and followed Keith over to a spot that Shiro had been saving.

As the evening progressed, I felt myself forget about Lance slightly, dancing to music that was playing or sat in front of the bonfire, enjoying the warmth. I glanced to Lance in a moment of boredom, tuning out what Keith was talking about, and saw that Lance had been joined by Nyma. He sat, turned slightly away from her, a disappointed look on his face. I watched her say something and Lance muttered back, shaking his head. She stood up, walking away.

They must be fighting.

"You can go talk to him." I glanced back to Keith.


"I'm a man, I can last 10 minutes without you," he said and I smiled.

"Can you?"

"No, but go, I know you can't help but help people," he said and I pat his shoulder, getting up. I walked over to Lance's spot, sitting beside him. I didn't say anything at first, just sitting beside him quietly. He glanced at me and I smiled at him.

"You're really nothing but happy lately, it's weird," he commented, looking back into the fire. He was staring at it so intensely, it was beginning to concern me.

"I've got nothing to be upset about." He looked like he wanted to just leap into the fire. It broke my heart. "But you must, care to share?" He glanced at me.

"You're observant, so observe and you tell me," he said, swallowing. He was bent over, his elbows on his knees, watching the base of the fire. I watched him for a moment before glancing up. There I saw Nyma talking with a tall guy, Rolo was it?


"Wow, good job," he said, sarcastically. "She just--she's been hanging around him a lot the past week, and it's not like I'm one of those crazies who says she can't hang out with guys, but she honestly seems like she likes him more than me. She wasn't even at the game, Rolo asked her to study."

That's why I won so easy.

He was off his game.

I sighed, chewing at my top lip. I glanced at the fire as well, wringing my hands. 5 dollars burning in my pocket.

"Look, of might not make you feel better right now, but I would talk to her. I'm sure she'll understand your concerns, and she looked upset earlier too. And you might not want to hear this, but sometimes, making other people happy by letting them go can you make you happier than if you were holding them back with you."

He glanced up at me and I gave him a sympathetic smile.

"I would know." His eyes flickered over my face for a moment and all was still. I cleared my throat, shoving my hand in my pocket. "And hey, keep your hopes up, I'm not telling you to white fang your girlfriend or anything, but I think Nyma is a nice girl and you guys are really cute. So make sure to work it out for me okay? Besides, we need a rematch, you were totally off your game today. That's not my Lance."

I smiled, letting out a sigh. Giving the guy you like relationship advice. Not the most enjoyable activity, and I could feel the soft pit in my stomach.

"If anyone can figure it out, it's you," I said, placing a hand on his leg briefly. He glanced at it, then back at me.

"Thank you."

"No problem. Catch you later Lance." He watched me with a soft smile, and for a second I could swear his eyes sparkled. Must just be the fire. Damn fire making my heart leap up in my throat.

I slipped the slightly crumpled 5 dollars onto the bench, walking away. I collapsed on the blanket next to Keith, covering my face with my forearms.

"That was really good of you."

"I know."

"You held back didn't you?"

"Maybe a little?"

"Well, I think it was good you did," Keith said and I peeked between my arms at Lance staring at the 5 dollars in his hand. He glanced over at me with a warm smile to which I pretended not to see. "You're really something."

"Indeed I am."

"How is it." I let out a sigh, grinning.

"It fucking sucks."


Game On | Lance x Reader(Harry Potter AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt