chapter 3

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Louis' POV

"I'll be your Romeo."

That's all he needed to say before all eyes were on him. Although, I had to admit this boy was good looking, definitely a perfect Romeo. He had the face that girls would fall in love within an instance, but those eyes...damn those eyes.

"Sorry, but who are you?" Taylor asked him without any emotion. She could be nicer. I mean he could be the only way to save the play. She can't tone down the bitchiness.

"Um, hi I'm Harry" he mumbled, but I could hear it. It wasn't good enough for Taylor, though "who!?" She screamed at him. "Be nice. You wouldn't want Juliette to die before the play even starts" I glared at her. Honestly, I wouldn't mind being the cause of her demise. I mean, come on, Romeo killing Juliet would be a great story plot.

She completely ignored me and went back to asking Harry his name. "Harry, my name is Harry Styles" he said louder this time. "You think you can study the lines in time?" Mr Cartwell asked, rubbing his temple.

"I think so" Harry said, avoiding eye contact with everyone in the room. "He thinks so! That's not good enough" Taylor took a seat near Mr Cartwell. I can't deal with her attitude. My mouth spoke before I could consider the idea.

"I'll help you" I told Harry. You could clearly see that he was surprised. His eyes widened. It was almost like he was surprised that I talked to him or even acknowledged him, for that matter.

"Louis, you'd do that?" Mr Cartwell sighed in relief. I nodded " it's the least I could do, and he seems pretty cool" I swear I could see Harry blush from the side. I looked over at Taylor to see her mouth 'thank you' to me. I smiled. I love being her frenemy.

I started walking towards the theatre door. Once I got there, I turned around to look at Harry, who had his back towards me. " Harry, you coming?" He looked behind him and then back at me, pointed to himself, and said, "me? ". "Yeah, you" I waited for him to jog to me. He opened the door to help me since I was clearly on crutches.

" Hi, I'm Louis Tomlinson" I said, giving him a hand to shake. It was hard balancing on the crutches while I was doing so. He looked at me in a very weird way "I know, I'm Harry styles" he said, taking my hand.

"I know" I replied, and we both laughed, "I thought I'd get you out of there before Taylor grills you " I said, laughing. He kept his eyes on me, not to be narcissistic, but it was like he couldn't look away.

"So you're going to help me study the lines?" He asked me, biting his lip. He does that a lot, " yeah, the script is at my home. I'm sure you got a copy since you're part of the theatre group, right?"

He nodded in response. "Great, so what about hanging out at my place and going through the script" I asked. He seemed pretty taken aback. "The only problem is I don't have a car of my own, I usually take the bus, but since I have this situation with my leg, I plan on getting a lift from my friend."

"I have a car" Harry said desperately. "Well then after school meet me at the front of the school, yeah?" I asked him, to which he agreed. He turned to walk away, but before he could, I called from behind him.

"I don't want to weird you out or anything but your eyes, damn. I've never seen this shade of green" I said, trying to sound as friendly as possible "it runs in my family" he said awkwardly.

"You got a sister or something with these same green eyes? If you do, I'd probably be head over heels for her" so much for small talk, Louis. I literally told him I'd be in love with an imaginary sister of his with his eyes.

"I do have a sister, but she's in college, so you're out of luck" he gave a sweet smile before walking away.

I don't know why but I wished he'd turn back to look at me.

Hey, so I think I'd probably be updating every day, and Harry's POV is coming in the next chapter so yeah, we'll see more characters, well technically relations, but hey, wait for tomorrow's update, that's all I can tell you.
Love, Ari

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