Thanksgiving With The Flair's.

Start from the beginning

When we arrived at the Flair home. I was met by a very familiar face.
"Daniel." David said.
"David my man." I bro hugged him. "Sorry to hear about Daphne."
"Thanks. So I hear that you and my sister are dating."
"Yes, we are. And hopefully that will change before we have to go back to work." I smiled as I looked at Ashley. I helped Ric and David take our bags inside and I was led by Ric as to where I'd be staying. Imagine my surprise that I was to stay in Ashley's old room with her.

Down in the parlor...
"So, it seems that your relationship to Daniel has gone well. I can definitely see that he loves you."
"Wendy, he's an amazing man. Supportive, loving, caring and he's made me so happy. I just wish that dad would lighten up."
"I know, Ashley."
"What was dad's problem on the ride here anyway?"
"I think the best explanation that I can think of is that he was a little if not pretty upset about you becoming engaged without his permission."
"I get that. I do. But the last two people that asked for his permission first ended up being bad decisions. I love Daniel Wendy. And he loves me. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. Have a family with him."
"Where does he live anyway?" Wendy asked.
"Eagle, Idaho." I said as I came into the parlor. I approached a smiling Ashley. "Hey darling." I kissed her lips as I sat down next to her.
"Is it a nice place?"
"Yes, it's beautiful. Daniel's home is in the mountains and it's barely ten miles from Boise."
"That's good. So Daniel. What are your plans with Ashley?"
"Well, in terms of work just remain at her side even if she doesn't want me there." I grinned a bit at Ashley.
"But at home. Be supportive, loving, caring and all around understanding boyfriend that I can be. Ashley's happiness is all that matters to me." I told Wendy honestly.
"Well, you certainly have your priorities straight. What about a family?"
"I hope that we will start a family soon. But if we have to wait until we're married, then so be it. But. It's all up to what we can scrounge in terms of time off or a schedule month by month."
"Okay. Good. Do you agree with what he has planned Ashley?" Wendy asked, as Ashley nodded.
"Daniel," Ric started as he came into the parlor. "I'm sure that your pretty tired from your flight."
"Yes we are." I smiled as Ashley stood up along with me. "Well, we're going to get a nap in and be more ready in time for dinner." I smiled.
"Okay, you two have a nice nap."
"We will." Ashley said as we headed upstairs to Ashley's room.
The moment we disappeared from view. Wendy looked at Ric and gave him a scolding look. "Now I don't want you to do anything that will cause drama or hurt Ashley's feelings." Ric looked sheepishly at Wendy. "Got it?" He nodded. "Okay. Now let's go and get tonight's dinner ready."

Meanwhile upstairs in Ashley's room, I was just barely laying on the bed and Ashley smiled as I yawned and stretched like a cat getting comfortable on a pillow or bed in general. "Ohhh, my baby is tired. Well I'm sure that someone will come get us when dinners ready." She turned for a few seconds and when she looked back, I was completely out. She approached me and sat next to me. "Ohh, my darling, handsome husband-to-be. I love you so much. And no matter what. I'll always love you and be by your side." She leaned down and kissed my cheek. Which made me smile in my sleep. "Always."
When she got comfortable she looked at her phone and checked our social media accounts and even double checked the plans for the wedding we agreed on so far. But jet lag caught up with her and she fell asleep her phone still open. Then barely ten minutes later Ric came in.
"Hey you two. Dinners ready." He saw Ashley's phone open on the ground and picked it up and was gonna put it on the bedside table until he read, 'Wedding Plans.' He read through it and nearly lost his temper. But curbed it as I woke up and he rushed to put her phone on the nightstand.
"Hey, Ric." I yawned.
"Hey. Sleep well?" I nodded. "Good, dinners ready downstairs."
"Okay. We'll be down soon." I told him. He left us alone and I smiled as I leaned over and grinned at how beautiful Ashley was asleep. But since I had a feeling her dad would not like to come up and get us again. I kissed her cheek and she stirred awake
"Hey, dinner ready already?" She asked groggily.
"Yeah. Come on." I rubbed her back lightly. "Let's get up and greet the evening."
Ashley giggled at my comment. "I love you." She smiled.
"I love you more." I said as she sat up and kissed me before getting out of bed and stretching. I got up and changed into some clean clothes while Ashley changed into a fresh shirt, jeans and socks. Once we were ready, we headed downstairs to the dining room. All through dinner I noticed Ric giving me the evil stink eye. After dinner Ashley and I were still pretty tired from the flight. So we decided to go to bed early.

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