Part 2

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 "Good Morning! Are you ready for today? We're going to hit all the shops. Oh, and don't worry about money, Tony's got it." How the heck were Wanda and Natasha this awake?

"Is there food and coffee involved?" My top two priorities in the morning, always.

Natasha's way too cheery face came into view, "If you're up and ready in 30 mins, there will be pancakes, and Starbucks."

It was an offer to good to resist. So I crawled out of bed and headed to the dresser. After minutes of searching I found what I was looking for. I put on my green hoodie and black ripped jeans. Reaching for my makeup kit I swiped a green on my lids, with a bold black wing, fake lashes, and a full dark blue/black lip. Ready to face the music I raced down the stairs to the kitchen. No way was I missing out on pancakes, or Starbucks.

"Dang kid, you ever heard of subtle?" Tony cried from the counter where he was sitting with his coffee

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"Dang kid, you ever heard of subtle?" Tony cried from the counter where he was sitting with his coffee.

"What do you mean, my makeup?" I had a look of defiance, one that screamed 'You wanna go?'

"I think what Stark was trying to say was that you look good." Natasha bumped in and saved the day, I don't do well when people question my style choices.

Grabbing a cup I headed over to the coffee pot, filling it up to my preference. Satisfied with my coffee I grabbed a seat next to Tony, who in turn attempted to steal my coffee.

"Hands off, that's mine." Nobody messes with my coffee, avenger or not.

"Aren't you too young to be drinking coffee?" The smirk on Tony's face was teasing, he was just playing around.

"Aren't you a little old to be an Avenger?"

The rest of breakfast passed without a hitch. The Avengers were really just normal people once you truly got to know them. Wanda grabbed my shoulders, yanking me out of my thoughts.

"Come on, we're gonna need a full day to get everything!"

"Where's Natasha?" I looked around but couldn't spot the redheaded ex-assassin anywhere.

"She's getting Clint, she said she'll meet us at the car." The Sokovian answered as she pulled me along to what I presumed was the garage.

"I wouldn't have pegged Clint as a shopper." I had tried to get a read on everyone when I first arrived, but with master assassins and spies it was hard.

"Oh, he loves it. He won't admit it though. Mostly he just carries the bags." It felt nice gossiping with another female. Me and my mom hadn't really had the chance, due to the whole civil war thing going on.

Before I had even noticed the elevator had reached the garage, where Natasha and Clint were lounging outside a beautiful blue car. "'Bout time ya'll showed up!" Clint said as he plopped into the driver's seat.

The sight of the mall was breathtaking, with all of the shops with names I had only heard of on the TV. The smell of corndogs and burgers wafted from the nearby cafeteria, filling the air. It was something special. That was for sure.

"Where do you want to start?" The archer's voice brought me out of my stupor, reminding me why we were here.

"I don't know, I've never even heard of half of these."

"I am not getting a skirt. That is final." Clint thought he was so funny with the short skirt he was holding up and the smirk on his face.

"Why not? It goes with the whole vibe." The only response Clint got was a swift finger in the air and a back to his face.

"What about this?" Wanda held up a black crop-top and light blue distressed jeans.

"I like it. What else you got?" Truth be told I was itching to get to the jewelry department, I was in desperate need of some new chokers.

"Um, Nat found a really cute black wrap around dress for parties. Oh, and there was a cute pair of flats that I think would go." Excitement filled Wanda's face as she fulfilled the task at hand.

Walking out of the store we headed to the car loaded with more clothes than one person should probably own. Deciding that we were hungry we all headed to McDonald's. Hate on it all you want, but it's strangely addictive. Satisfied, we all headed back to the Compound. We felt that we were walking on air, if only we knew the plot twist that was to come.

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