Chapter One Starting Highschool

Start from the beginning

When I'm dressed and finished fixing my hair which is important to every girl especially those starting high school which I wasn't looking forward to experiencing considering I knew the only aspects of your life that people cared about were usually your appearances physically and your popularity status, so basically high school was a four year judge asked my dads best friend and my moms best friend about it and he told me that I should enjoy it while it lasts and apparently he would love to go back to high school, but he was now a student at university, studying cooking. he told me on several occasions it was very hard work ,but he also told me ,that it wasn't as hard as what my parents were doing, i wasn't sure what exactly my parents were doing right now and I tried to ask him more but by the way he looked saddened as he mentioned my mom and dad, I decided not to press the matter any further and curtly thanked him for his advice, as I then left his apartment even though I hadn't really found his advice helpful at all, considering I had been told pretty much the same thing by my granny, Strickler, even my uncle and aunt who lived in their own house gave me that same piece of advice. except for the mention of my parents of course, I immediately stop thinking when I hear my grandmother yelling my name, loudly from the bottom of the stairs. Lara?? hurry up! she yells as I sigh and nod ,collecting my backpack which I had just got a week ago off my desk swivel chair as I then immediately sling it over my back, i then head out of my room ,closing the door with one simple thought and a shaky smile, ok Lara,this is it, no more procrastinating now,This is happening, I say to myself as I close my bedroom door ,leaving the privacy and the safety that my room often provided me with as I realize,no one or nothing can protect me now,i think as I head down the stairs, head held high despite my insecurities and my constant fear that I was somhow going to be humiliated or majorly screw something up,

I walk down the mahogany coloured stair case and when I reach the second last step, i smile and do a small grand jete going downward ,i loved dance, more then anything, i feel the music in my soul when I dance ,my mom may have liked acting and my dad may not have been a bad cook or actor ,but I didn't care, i wanted to become a professional dancer, not that my parents would care or even know that about me, let alone anything else that was important to me or a big part in my life. still I think heading into the kitchen, i didn't need them to tell me that they didn't care about me, i already knew that,as the vast majority of  my childhood had been spent looking out a window ,every day,waiting for them to come and see me, and also not just to see me ,but for them to come back into my life,prepared to love me and apologise...and it would go like the stories I had read went, At the time I had always been so certain of it. That they would come into the living room and immediately ask where I was,and I would say,im right here! with tears in my eyes smiling and for the first time in my life,that painful longing ,that truly awful ache that I had covered up so many times in front of other people, that painful longing would immediately be covered up, for real and then ,it would FINALLY go away. leaving a feeling of relief and genuine happiness in its wake, and then my parents would take me into their arms and promise again and again that they would never leave me and that this time.... They were here to stay ,then we would stand around each other, hugging each other and we would stay like that...forever. But I knew that wasn't going to happen, instead I knew deep, deep down ,they were never coming back, i would never see them or know them because they never were planning to come back for me, to find me , that's the painful part, and so the painful ache in my heart, the absence of parental figures in my life....that very ache would probably swallow me whole ,if I let it, but I would never let that ache control my life,never again...

Because the foolish me, the one who believed they would come back some day...that me was gone ,As of this moment, I had given them years to come back, or to even just send a note to explain why they left in the first place, their time was up,and so with or without them , I would work hard in high school I think as I sit down in the dining room ,I would work hard, get a job and when I did,if I ever had a daughter or a son,i would do the ONE thing a parent is supposed to do, the thing they DIDNT do,other then care for their child as well as love them, i would simply Stay and be there for them in the parts of my childs life that ,my parents hadn't been for me,and that would be ALL ITS LIFE,my knuckles scrunched up at a new thought .and if they ever did come back ,my parents ,knocking at my door,asking me for help,their eyes looking at me, filled with hope, I would look at them with a stare so cold, so filled with hatred and plain despisment , yet I would simply help l ,not because they were my parents or they were simply in my blood, i would help them because it would show them, despite them leaving me....I still was more of a human being, a person then either of them would ever be. i suddenly see my grandmother sitting with me as I Abandon my angry thoughts ,As my gran speaks, breaking the silence between us, how are the nerves kiddo? my grandmother asks me, placing her hand gently on my shoulders, i smile,over the roof ,gran, i just cant believe im starting highschool . I say admittedly ,my gran nods understandingly ,her eyes full of care and support for me, i smile at that, my gran ,unlike my parents, had always been there for me, every temper tantrum, every laugh,every good moment and every bad moment, she had been there through it all,i remembered the night I met her, i was carried in blue arms, my father who was in red and black armour rushed to her house followed by my mom, , as she embraced him,he spoke to her and he said ,mom, there's something we need to talk about, he said sternly as he led her into the kitchen,my father left me in my moms arms,my mom cuddled me and she told me, her hazel eyes brimming with tears, baby,im so sorry....I hope one day you understand ,and that you forgive your dad and me,...for what we are about to do...I'm so so so sorry, but ...I cant let you get hurt,i,...I cant,she says crying full out now,but desperately trying to stop, after a while,my gran and my father come out,my father looks at my mom, then takes me in his arms,and hugs me tightly,i swore I would never leave you,my beautiful daughter but I promise,you will see us again,he says crying now ,three year old me somehow knew what was coming and before I could stop them ,I was passed to my grandmother as she was told to keep me safe,she nodded ,and said absolutely,you can count on me jim,she says ,I watch them leave ,and for the first time ever since I had been born,i feel a whole, open up in my heart ,not physically,but still,it was enough to feel like someone was  stabbing a very sharp knife into my hurt like hell. It doesn't really hurt that much now but at the time I thought an actual knife couldnt cut me anywhere near as deeply, eventually I stopped crying, as my grandmother did her best to comfort me, she held me in her arms and cuddled me lovingly, stroking my hair, humming the song someone's waiting to love you,she sat down with me in her arms when Strickler came in, isnt it my favourite grandchild?...he says smiling down at me , pulling a funny face as I laugh, i smile ,feeling a lot better and then I drift off into a peaceful sleep, two years later later,after id started kindergarten,i asked my gran ,gran why did mommy and daddy leave ,me? to which she replied they left you because they had to protect you, you will understand someday and you will see them again one day,five year old me nodded, feeling a bit better as she had just told me I would see my parents again. This stirred a lot of hope within me, from the moment my grandma said those words, but all that hope, along with all my trust in them... was destroyed years ago.

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