Ever Lasting *One Shot*

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For the two it started out indescribable, sweet and naive. Foolish and unpredictable, as for the end is a story yet to be told.
"Christopher," She giggles, pushing the black haired boy inside. Christopher, smirks saying nothing in reply but instead takes her by the hand, leading her into the kitchen. Using her hands, she props herself up, before jumping slightly so she can sit on the island. Christopher chuckled lightly, placing both of his hands on each of her knees. Spreading them apart, stepping into the open place. She leans down, looking into his piercing blue eyes, before her eyes flicker down to his lips. Getting the hint, he smiles leaning into her plead. She sighed as their lips made contact, remembering the first time it had happened; His eyes stared into hers as they reached the top of the Ferris-Wheel. His eyes drifting down to her lips as he leaned in, gently pressing his lips to hers. He slowly moved away and opened his eyes, staring into her royal blue eyes. He caressed her cheek, moving his hand upward, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. He began to slowly inch toward her again, placing a soft kiss upon her forehead. "I love you," He whispered into her ear. We're all a little weird, and life's a little weird, and when someone who's weirdness is compatible with our own, we fall into a equal weirdness called love.
I smile looking up to Christopher, his eyes gleaming through the moonlight creeping in the window, blue as the day, and full of something undying. A flame of sorts, that flame being a fire. A burning passionate fire. A fire that ones so drearily crave of and where some let fear take over this fire. Causing it to burn out like ash. And while the last standing are the ones like Christopher and I. The dreamers and the ones who rely on another when the time gets hard. And i'll admit, that night on the Ferris-Wheel I had saw that burning flame in his eyes as well. This flame being, love. And as we both swore our love for another that night, I knew then... That this kind of love was like no other. No other could compare.
I may not be a princess, but I did find my happily ever after.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2014 ⏰

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