The Hunter - Chapter Twelve

Start from the beginning

"How did your meeting go?"

"Why didn't you warn me he was in there?" I said to my mother when I reached the top of the stairs.

"He asked us not to."

"Of course he did." I shook my head, peaked over my shoulder , and walked into the bathroom. "I'm late. Deal with him. I'm not talking to the Guild anymore. When I have more on the nest I'll let everyone know okay?"

I slammed the door shut and turned on the shower. Sitting in the bottom, I hugged my knees and waited for as long as I could before I crawled out. I felt like a jellyfish out of water.

"Are you ready yet?" mom asked.



"I'll go as fast as I want," I muttered.

"Mathias is going to take you to school."

"No he's not!" I shouted through the door.

"You will stop this foolishness. Have you forgotten who he is?"

"How can I forget?" I asked.

"He has the power to have us burned. Do you want to die? Just because we don't age doesn't mean he can't kill us."

I sighed as the uneasy feeling grew stronger. I felt as though I were about to vomit. He was going to find out my secret. He was going to find the monsters I was trying to protect.


"And be sure to wear something suitable. You will be with a high Guild leader."

"Yes, mother."

"I don't know why you never pursued your relationship with me."

I winced at the memory. It was centuries ago that Mathias and I played with the idea of us being together, but the sting of his betrayal felt like it happened yesterday.

What would he say if he knew I was in love with a vampire now?

I dug through my closets for something that would be impressive or at least didn't look like something a high school girl picked out.

"Why do I let Chloe do all my shopping?" I asked myself.

"Who is Chloe?" Mathias asked behind me.

"A friend. I have made friends here. Not that you would know what those are," I snapped. "Why are you in my room? Why are you really here?"

"I told you, Alyssa, to find the monsters nest. Your family has been searching for it for over a hundred years now. We're getting rather restless waiting for results."

"You'll get results. This country keeps growing. New towns keep popping up. There are new places for us to check everyday," I said, pulling the towel tighter around my body.

"Mmmm yes, but not like this one. This one is rather special isn't it, love?"

"No. It's like any other town we've been to."

"Oh but it's not. It's rather small and quaint, don't you think?' he asked.

"Mathias, just say what you're thinking. Stop with the mind games already."

"You're hiding something."

"Why would I hide something from the Guild? I know what happens if I do. I don't feel like dying or watching my family die."

"Oh I wouldn't kill you, just your folks. I'd keep you all for myself." In a flash he was in front of me. "I'm warning you, Alyssa, don't lie to me. I know when you're lying. Don't forget why my brothers and I are in charge of all the Hunters."

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