into the woods

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Well broppylover2018 you're lucky. well as you said this is gonna be a looooong one shot. XD(lol). sorry this took a long time to write. Prepare this is about 3048 words long XD

One day in trollvillage Poppy was preparing her things to go on a new adventure with her best friend Branch.

In Branch's Bunker. Branch was preparing for the adventure as well. He packed every thing that was useful in his backpack e.g. sleeping bags, blankets, food, sticks u know that kind of stuff.

after they both had packed their things they met in front of the big mushroom in the middle of troll village. "Let's go!" Poppy was excited she remembered that day they decided to go on this adventure.
( It was a normal day  Poppy and Branch were just walking around the village when they found a weird tree. The tree had a big hole and inside they found an old scrapbook Poppy*opens the old scrapbook* "look Branch it's some sort of journal or something!" She said excided  Branch: *reads what is written on the page* " it says that there were two kingdoms and they were both United to begin with. The two kingdoms lived in the Trolltree in the middle of Bergentown." Poppy was surprised "two Kingdoms?" Branch turned his gaze to Poppy "yes but they Parted when they made the great escape. And one of the kingdoms is this one. The other one hasn't been seen or heard about for years." He answered her.          " Branch we have to find that village and be United again." She said. "Poppy are you sure it is a good idea? We don't even know where it is located." "Branch please if the two kingdoms have been United then we have to find it." Branch gave up "Fine, but..." "Branch no worries we'll go tomorrow afternoon." Poppy commanded.) She snapped out of her thoughts\flashback thing
"C'mon !" She looked at her best friend with a smile. as they went trough the woods Branch took a map out of his backpack " Branch we don't need that map we're just right outside the village" Poppy said while looking at the blue male. " Poppy if i want you... i mean if we want to be safe then we have to use it. as an example would you get lost in here?" branch raised one eyebrow. Poppy didn't answer the question though but said" oh Branch please, why r u being so protective? we are just going on a little adventure" Branch looked at Poppy with his eyes open wide. " A LITTLE ADVENTURE?? THIS? Sorry but do you think this is a little adventure? Poppy I know that we have been out of the village before, but now we are actually going to somewhere we don't even know." Poppy rolled her eyes "Branch it's just a forest do you think this is dangerous?! " Poppy regretted what she said cause she already knew the answer. A flashback ran through her mind ( Poppy was on her way to Bergentown singing 'get back up again' when she ate some strange berries that made her swell into a big ball, suddenly got caught in a spider web and fainted. If Branch didn't save her back then she probably wouldn't be at this adventure right now.) The flashback ended and Poppy looked at Branch who looked a little worried "ehh.. Poppy r u ok?" "Oh. Yes sorry I just had a flashback." "Oh. Ok."

                                               _____after a long time of walking_____

" I could really need some water rn."
Poppy exclaimed . Branch looked around to see if there should be a lake nearby and to their luck there was one not so far away. "Looks like you've got luck Poppy because there is a lake over there" Branch pointed at the lake. Poppy ran directly to the lake and was about to drink, but stopped when she realized that she didn't have a cup. " Ummm.. Branch? Is It possible that you've got a cup in your backpack that I could borrow?" She asked him embarrassed." Poppy. You know i'm prepared for everything right?" He took a cup out of his backpack and gave it to Poppy. " of course I do Branch..." she smiled back at him "...and thanks." Branch bowed down " you're welcome your highness." Poppy giggled "oh Branch you know you don't need to call me that." Poppy took some water from the lake and drank it.

It was getting dark and cold, and Branch was searching for something in the twilight. "Branch what are you doing?" Poppy asked her friend. Branch turned his gaze to Poppy. " It is about to get dark and we have to find a place were we can stay for the night." He explained. Poppy nodded as a response. She trusted Branch. She knew that he had been a survivalist for the most of his life, so he would know where it would be a good place to stay for for a night. She followed Branch to a cave. Branch stopped and took a look at the place. "Here is a good place." He exclaimed. Poppy and Branch went into the cave and laid their back packs inside. " b-but b-Branch there is really dark in here." Poppy squeaked and suddenly looked nervous. "Poppy what's wrong?" Branch asked concerned. " I'm afraid of the dark." She confessed embarrassed. " Poppy it is ok. It is normal to have fears, and there is nothing wrong about it, don't be ashamed of it. I'm afraid of birds." Branch said comforting. Poppy's embarrassment was replaced with a smile as she hugged her friend. "Thank you Branch! You are the best!" She exclaimed. Branch hugged back slightly blushing. Branch hoped that she didn't notice, and to his relief she didn't. After some quite some time Branch broke the hug. "would it be better if i make a campfire?" Branch questioned. Poppy nodded. Branch went to his back pack and found some sticks and a pack of matches, and made a campfire in no time. " Done!" Branch exclaimed watching the campfire proudly. " How can you make a campfire so quick?" Poppy asked in wonder. "I don't know. I'm used to do it that fast." Branch answered her. " You are pretty good at it." Poppy declared. "Thank you Poppy" Branch sighed. *RING!!* their hugtimewatches chimed. "HUG TIME!!" Poppy shouted. And ran directly to Branch and hugged him. "Wow Easy Poppy" he said a little chocked, but hugged back. Branch looked at his hugtimewatch "it's getting late we should probably go to sleep now." He suggested. "*Yawwwn!* I guess you are right" Poppy agreed. Branch took two sleepingbags out of his back pack and handed one of them to Poppy. Poppy laid her sleepingbag on the ground and Branch laid his beside Poppy's, and then they went to sleep

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