Kirin cleared his throat and offered an awkward smile before he began speaking. 

"Since this little situation didn't really work well as a punishment, I believe that we'll switch it up a little." He said, raising an eyebrow as he glanced over at the old woman sitting at the table petting her large dog. 

She was just watching it for its owners, wasn't she? I really hope so... there's no way she would be able to control such a beast if it got out of hand. Hopefully it is returned soon. 

"I believe that we should have our two outstanding lady citizens spend their new punishment days with lady Lelynn." He said, as if the woman was actually strong enough to handle both of the crazy women. 

Yes, he'd seen her dark side, but he still couldn't believe that she'd be able to manage on her own. 

"She'll be watching Kite for a good while, so I believe that things will be fine... and if they aren't, there are quite a few cages left behind by the old magistrate. I don't mind being mean, for once." Kirin added. 

"What of my uncle?" Amia asked, his right hand gripping the inside of Hollem's leg through his pants a little harder than necessary. 

The look on Kirin's face had Hollem unsure of whether he should smile or frown. 

"Considering that I got several of his loyal workers to talk with lady Lelynn's much appreciated assistance and a little attention from Kite, we have him on quite a few  hefty charges. He'll be going to jail, and he won't be getting out for years." He said, drawing a huge sigh from Amia. 

"Wait. So you don't even need our testimony?" He asked, confused. 

Madam Maria chuckled lightly as she flicked her wrist, dismissing the lawman and his group, leaving just himself, Amia, and the madam behind. 

"I just said that to get your lazy arses out of bed faster and thought that you might want to hear what was going to happen from him." She said, bringing a scowl to Hollem's face before it vanished a few moments later. 

"Anyways, we have our own business to tend to." She said, folding her hands on the table in front of her as her strong gaze settled on them.

"It just so happens that I know someone looking for two hard working bastards." She said, surprising both of them. "You do?" Amia asked, his voice slightly skeptical. The madam hadn't been too happy about both of them wanting to leave, and especially not with him, because he was absolutely stealing Hollem away. 

The woman sighed and leaned back, lowering her normal glare to replace it with a look of actual warmth. 

"Hollem has been with me for many years, Amia. He's worked hard for me and in return, I believe that I have treated him well. I can't say the same thing, on either end, for some of my other workers, but the one you are taking away from me is the one I trust the most." She said, actually stirring some pride in Hollem's chest as she spoke. 

He knew that being a whore wasn't exactly a profession most bragged about, or really wished to do, but he knew that he was good at it and he wasn't forced to do things he wasn't comfortable with. 

"It's going to be hard physical labor until you move up the ranks, but I have a feeling that you're up to it... Hollem." She said, smirking at Amia when he scoffed at her. 

"I have better stamina than him! I fu--mmph!" His words were thankfully cut off by Hollem's hand, bring madam Maria to roll her eyes and laugh quietly. 

"He's absolutely perfect for you, Hollem. He'll keep you on your toes, and your back when you're too tired to bed him properly." She said, making Hollem scowl. He couldn't argue, though. If Amia wanted to have sex, he'd get it, one way or the other. 

Definitely have my hands full. 

"Maybe it will tired your little minx out so that he won't be sniffing up your leg so often." She said jokingly, changing Hollem's scowl to a slight grin, while Amia took his scowl and crossed his arms over his chest as Hollem dropped his hand. 

"Anyways. I hate to say this, but you two better get your things ready. My friend has a small extra room you can have, unattached to the house, for their own sleeping pleasure while you two enjoy your excessive pleasuring... so I want the room you've been hogging for all these years." She said, pointedly staring at Hollem, though he could only grin. 

"Yes ma'am. You'll have us as visitors, won't you?" He asked as he got up, Amia immediately copying him, except he decided to slip one hand into Hollem's pants to play with his backside for fun, making the man squirm a little. 

"Once you get that punk of yours under control, we'll talk about it." She said, unable to hide her smile as she got up, too. 

"I do truly thank you for all of your hard work, and if you ever decide to return as a worker, I will welcome you with open arms." She said honestly, drawing him forward into a quick hug before Amia pulled him back by the waistband of his pants. 

"Now get your little possessive boy, and your things, and get the hell out. There is someone outside who will take you to your new home." She said with a shake of her head before heading out the door. 

After a bit of maneuvering, Hollem got Amia's hand out of his pants and turned to the grinning troublemaker. 

"I guess it's time to finally go." He said, sighing as he realized the enormity of the whole situation. He'd never planned to really move on from the whore house for years to come, yet there he was, standing beside his lover, about to take that step. 

Amia grabbed his hand and squeezed as he looked up, offering a reassuring smile. 

Everything is going to be okay. I've got him now. 

"Don't worry, Hol. I'll give you the best blowjob of your life when we get there." Amia said with a wink before sauntering out of the room, leaving Hollem to smack his face with one palm and laugh to himself. 

This is going to be a very interesting life. 


(May or may not be an epi at some point lol) 

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