Bucky Imagines

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Bucky was getting prepped to get his mind wiped again. A nurse walked around him, checking for scrapes and brushes, brushing his hair out of his face. She hates what is happening to him but can't stop it. The most she could do was treat him with more kindness than anyone there does. He would sit with a confused look, unsure of what to make of the kind gestures she would give him. He never felt something as simple as kindness in long time until she came. He was constantly getting punch or slapped and getting tortured beyond recognition. He would work up the strength to speak to her when they were in the room alone. He was always glancing around, as if he was afraid someone was constantly watching, but it was only them. It even felt weird to have a normal conversation. He was used to giving commands and taking them. Orders, and that's it. He learned that her name was Karen and her favorite color was green. Simple things that could be past through simple questions.

Bucky and Karen was in the small room alone once more. She was strapping his wrist down to the chair he was seated in. The painful machines the doctors used to wipe his mind hovered over him, almost taunting him. He was silent, bracing himself for the pain that would come as soon as the guards strapped that thing to his head. It doesn't matter how many times his mind was wiped clean, the memory of the painful machines was always there. Karen kept her eyes casted to the ground as she headed towards the exit of the small room, wanting to get far away from the room as possible before his screams of pain echo throughout the dark hallways of the HYDRA facility. She then shut her eyes, taking a deep breath and turning back around, walking back over to him quickly. "Is there anything I could for you at all?" Karen asked him desperately, wanting to fulfil his wish before the guards came. She knew it was risky and could get her killed but she couldn't stand to see another human being being treated the was Bucky was treated. Bucky's head lifted but he doesn't look at her. His empty eyed stared at the wall behind her. "Is it pointless to ask you for a kiss even though I'm only going to forget it?" With the last word that left his lips, he glanced up to Karen and her face softened, a small smile etching in onto her lips.

This is my first imagine, guys. This gave me a small amount of feels. If you have any imagines you would like me to write, comment and I'll give you credit. -Kizzy

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