Strange Starts

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I had to see if she was okay. I may get kicked out of school, but that doesn't mean I don't care for others. I open my door, which clearly does nothing if I can hear everything that happens downstairs in the living room, and slowly walk towards the stairs. My moms sobs got louder as I got closer. I walk down the stairs, which made a creaaaak sound every step. I turn the small corner and my mom has her hand over her mouth and tears streaming down her face.
My face turns pale, "Mom? What's wrong? I could hear you all the way upstairs..."
Her sobs were muffled as she pressed her hand on her mouth even harder, "Honey..." she sobbed more, "your fathers work emergency..." my dad was a cop, it's a dangerous job, but he's tougher than a nail, "he got shot, right into an organ th-that the-they coul-couldn't fix..."
My eyes widened, "he's...gone..." Her head nodded. No, no no no no no. My dad was my moms soulmate, my only hope of making me tougher. My mom wasn't going to be happy any longer. But I still have to go to school, or else I'll already be in trouble on the first day.
"Get some sleep, Seven." I walked upstairs and slammed my door shut, turned off the light and sobbed into my pillow until I fell asleep

I woke up to my alarm clock blaring in my room, I groan and sit up. My eyes were burning from crying so much last night. My mom was probably still up and never fell asleep. I grab some clothes to put on and go to the bathroom. After flushing the toilet and washing my hands, I glare at my toothbrush. I contemplated brushing my teeth or not, meh whatever. I'll just eat a mint instead. I walk out the bathroom and turn off the light. When I'm halfway down the hall I turn back around, i forgot to get dressed. I quickly get dressed and then swiftly walk towards the kitchen. I almost tripped down the stairs on my way down, but I caught myself.
"Hey sweetheart." My mom sounded calm...normal. She didn't look tired at all, like she actually slept.
"So mom, are you taking the day off of work?"
"Why would I do that?"
"Because of you know..."
"Who? Nothing's wrong. I can work." I drew my eyebrows together. What? How was nothing wrong? "The bus will be here, get your backpack and go to your first day of school. Your in tenth grade, don't mess it up." She shoved me out the door. The bus arrived one second later. How the heck did she know that it would arrive?
I climbed onto the bus and saw someone I knew. Her brown hair that only went to her shoulders, those green eyes I was always mesmerized by. I went to 6th grade with her, one school I stayed at from kindergarten to 6th grade. The longest I was in a school, until I got kicked out of that school.
She wore a sweatshirt and blue jeans that made her look really good. She wore no makeup but her skin was as clear as a window, a clean window of course. She had long eyelashes, and heart shaped lips. She was stunning.
"Seven, over here!" She waved her arm at me. Some guy who clearly was good looking without a doubt, put his arm around her. She shoved him off. He pouted, "why do you want to hang out with a kid named Seven?"
I run over to where they were as the bus started moving. Everyone laughed at my name, not a good start to the year.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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