You heard the sound of glass breaking and shot your eyes open in surprise. You saw Felix lying on your floor and your window was completely broken. He struggled to get up and looked at you seriously. He pointed to your bathroom and you picked up Benji and ran into the bathroom. You heard a gunshot go off and prayed that it wasn't what you thought it was. You placed Benji in the deep bathtub and covered him with a towel. You hesitantly cracked the door open and peeked out with your eye. You saw Felix was standing up now and you breathed a sigh of relief. You saw as Felix tried to fight some guy off. He towered over Felix and was much more muscular. Felix Fought back as best he could, the guy pulled out a knife and you saw him try to stab Felix. You shut your eyes and hoped to god you weren't going to witness what you thought. You opened them again and saw Felix shoot the guy. The taller man fell to the ground and Felix kneeled as he tried to catch his breath. 


You opened the door and you saw his worn out state. He had multiple cuts on his face and hands. You saw a bruise forming on collarbone and blood was pouring out of his shoulder. You rushed over to him and grabbed his face in your hands. 

"Y/N. We have to get you out of here."

He struggled to get the words out and it only made you cry. You heard someone trying to break down the door. Felix turned around and pulled out his gun and pointed it at the door. You grabbed the knife off of the table and stuck it in your belt loops. The door was broke open and you saw another random guy standing in the door way. He instantly went after Felix and Felix shot him a couple times before he fell to the floor. Felix pushed you towards the door and he guided you down a hallway and hid the two of you behind a turned over table. You sat with your backs pressed against it and Felix reloaded his gun. He looked at you and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. 

"Y/N when I count to three run as fast as you can and hide behind the island ok."

You looked at him terrified. He wanted you to run and leave him. 

"I promise you'll be fine trust me."

You nodded your head and moved closer to the edge of the table. 


you took a deep breath


You looked at Felix and you saw the fear in his eyes


You took off in a sprint towards the kitchen, you mentally thanked your younger self for taking track. You hid behind the island like he told you and hid your face in your knees. You listened as the commotion around you and you clutched the knife handle that was still in the belt loops of your joggers. 

(ok I have a pair of joggers like that don't question why there are belt loops)

You heard footsteps and you shivered with fear, but you didn't move. You heard a gunshot, it was heard from right next to you. Someone grabbed your shoulder and you tried to pull away. 


you looked over and saw Hyunjin kneeling down with his hand on your shoulder. You threw yourself in his arms and he caught you. He heard footsteps behind him and you saw someone walking over. You buried your face in his neck and he shot at the guy. You saw the guy fall over, Hyunjin had just shot him dead on without looking. He picked you up bridal style and began to run. You clung to him and you felt the cool crisp outside air his you. He din't stop running, you heard gunshots around you and then felt warm air. You opened your eyes and saw Jisung and Minho trying to fight off a few people. You saw Chan taking on two guys, Changbin behind him fighting off one really big guy. You didn't see Seungmin, Jeongin or Felix and hoped they were somewhere safe. Hyunjin kicked open the door and placed you on a chair. He looked at you before rushing out of the room and closing it behind him. 

Seungmin rushed over to you and pulled you into a tight hug, you hugged him back and Jeongin joined you. You felt something warm and saw blood on your hands. You stepped back from Jeongin and saw that his arm was bleeding. You carefully grabbed it and looked over it. 

"Y/N noona it's fine it's only small"

"Jeongin it doesn't matter your bleeding."

You looked for anything you could wrap around the wound and Seungmin handed you a roll of gauze wrap. You wrapped Jeongin's arm carefully and he pulled his sleeve back down. You saw tears fill his eyes and pulled him into your arms and he sobbed into your shoulder. You brushed through his hair and let him cry, you saw Seungmin sit in front of a computer and he began typing rapidly. You continued to look around the room while holding Jeongin and spotted what looked like an old hospital bed. You sat down and Jeongin sat in your lap still crying in fear. You saw another bed but this one had someone laying on it. You looked a bit closer and saw it was Felix. He was laying still and his eyes were shut. You couldn't see any movement which terrified you. 

Seungmin walked over to Felix and checked his pulse. He replaced a few bandages and turned to you. 

"He's okay"

You relaxed a little and Jeongin's crying calmed a bit. Someone came from around the corner and you saw Woojin take a worried look at Jeongin. He walked over and rubbed his back. Jeongin lifted his head off your shoulder and looked at Woojin. Woojin held his arms open and Jeongin got off your lap and let Woojin hold him. You and Woojin looked at each other then at Jeongin. Woojin picked him up and took him back around the corner. You walked over to Felix and kneeled next to the bed. You watched as his chest rose and fell in slow breathes. You felt a tear slip and you held his hand. He stired a bit but soon went still again. You walked over to where Seungmin was and he kept typing away on the computer. You watched as his hands flew across the keys. It looked like he was hacking something. Seungmin was hacking into the enemy's computers trying to turn off the signals to their communication devices. 

He succeeded after about a minute and he relaxed in his chair. You watched the cherry haired boy run his hands down his face and he looked at you with tired eyes. He gave you a weak smile before working on the computer again. 

You heard the door open and a panicked Changbin rushed in. He shut the door behind him and locked it once more. He took a deep breath. You watched as his eyes went wide when he saw Felix. He rushed over to him and crouched by his side. Changbin looked at the unconscious boy in front of him and tears fell. You had never expected Changbin to be one to cry. But there he was. 

"this is all my fault."

He mumbled under his breath as he held Felix's cold hand. 

"I should have never left your side damn it"

Changbin continued to blame himself for Felix's condition and the boy was still un responsive. 


The night went on, gunshots and yelling. Woojin had calmed Jeongin down, and he fell asleep on the empty bed. Seungmin continued to work on the computer, and Changbin had went back out to fight. Felix still laid there. You were starting to get worried more. Hours had passed and he still wasn't awake. Seungmin had already complained once that he was hungry, and honestly you were too. There was no food anywhere in that room. 

You started to pace back and forth again out of habit. A few moments passed and the gunshots stopped. You jerked your head up and Seungmin stopped typing. Woojin came back from around the corner. You heard movement outside the door and took a step back. Jisung busted through the door and fell on the ground. He was crying. You rushed over to him

"They- the- t"

"Jisung what is it. They what"

"T-took him- he-hes-g-gone"

"Who's Gone Jisung. Who did they take"




smile || bang chan x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon