The light was blinding and my arms shot straight up to cover my eyes. "I'll give you a minute to adjust to the light. Good thing I went to a door that opened up at the back not at the front where people could see you," he spoke but I felt like he was speaking to himself. It took a good few minutes for me to even be able to manage to keep my eyes open before they watered shut. The sunlight still hurt my eyes but I wasn't given any more time to get used to it. He started to push the gun into my back and forced me to walk forward.

I stepped out and was bathed in the sunlight. It felt wonderful to finally have the light surround me after such a long time in nothing but darkness. We were in an alley and I was being pushed through it, out onto the semi-crowded path. When we were just about to step out I paused. I took a deep breath before walking out with my chin up. I smiled and acted like I was here because I wanted to be (good thing I take an acting class at school).

We walked out and suddenly about 20 men came from everywhere and surrounded me. A panicked whimper left my lips as my claustrophobia started to take over. "Step back a bit," the boss spoke and each man took a step away from me.

We continued to walk down the street but after about 10 metres a few people had spotted me. A small group of girls huddled together and started to follow us. That small group of girls became a big group then a large group them a huge group and before I knew it, we were surrounded by screaming girls and my claustrophobia started to play up. I started to breath heavily and the boss had noticed.

"Step back girls! He's claustrophobic!" he yelled. The girls at the front seemed to listen and step back a bit but the others mustn't of heard. They kept pushing forwards, their phones waving above their heads hoping to get a glimpse of me.

"Harry!" the all screamed. Some were screams of joy or excitement but others were of worry and concern. "Where have you and the other boys all been for the last week?! It's like you all disappeared! And what about your brothers?! Is one missing?!!"

"Who are these guys?!" they yelled. "Did you replace Paul?!" they yelled louder. Yikes. The 1D fandom. The only fandom obsessed with the member's families, girlfriends, crew members, backing band and security. I don't know how the men would have forgotten that they know the boys' security guards names.

"Back off girls!" the men all yelled furiously, violently pushing away girls that were in their way.

"Hey! Be careful!" I yelled and ran over to pick up a girl one of the men standing to the side of me had pushed over. (The boss was not happy that I stepped away from him but he didn't mention it because the real Harry would have helped a fan out too so by me not doing it, it might have caused suspicion).

Harry, Edward and MarcelWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt