He sat down willingly this time.
"I got into a severe car crash that nearly killed me. I managed to survive but there was permanent damage that inhibited me from continuing my work as a surgeon. I was desperate and determined to find a cure. Long story short, I met a woman who completely changed my life. She taught me everything I know, and showed me things I could've never dreamed of. I went through a whole personality change too. I can't even imagine going back to the person I was. I was an arrogant asshole, who thought they were better than everyone else. My arrogance is what essentially put me in that car wreck in the first place. I had pushed away everyone who cared about me, thinking I didn't need them."
I started to go off on a tangent but stopped myself. Loki looked invested into every word I spoke.
"I'm sorry that our first interactions were so horrible. For a midgardian, you are quite enjoyable to speak with."
Is Loki being nice to me?
"Your appearence is also pretty alluring."
I blushed.
Loki continued,
"You know, I've never cared much for anyone outside of my family, but it seems that I'm growing a liking for you."
"It seems I've grown a liking for you too."
I mimicked the way he spoke. For the first time, I saw him smile as he laughed. It looked good on him.
The god walked towards me, suddenly becoming really close. He traced my face with his thumb, maybe personal space wasn't a thing on Asgard.
"You have incredible bone stucture."
He murmered.
I backed up, getting uncomfortable with his closeness.
He seemed to miss the hint because he just filled the gap with himself.
Suddenly, his mouth was on mine.

I immediately pushed him off of me,
"Woah, hey. What was that?"
Loki's face turned dark red,
"Oh! I thought- but you said- oh I-I seemed to misunderstand your statement. I'm so sorry. I can't believe I thought that someone, especially someone like you could- oh nevermind, I'll just leave you in peace."
Loki began to take off in a run until I teleported in front of him.
"Loki. Calm down. It's okay. I just wasn't expecting that from you. Please stay."
The taller man was trying to stop hyperventilating. I grabbed his hand and ran my thumb over his swollen knuckles. His eyes wouldn't meet mine and he looked as though he wanted to continue running.
I cupped his cheek in my shaky hand and turned his his head to face me.
I closed my eyes and kissed him back, trying not to re-think it.
His hand slid up my arm and stopped on my chest. I waved my hand and we were now in my bedroom.

"Stephen.. you didn't have to do that out of pity."
He spoke, his forehead against mine.
"I know I didn't have to. I wanted to. I also want to do this..."
I gently pushed Loki so he was sitting on the edge of my bed. I sat on his lap, my body facing him as I moved my lips to his neck. He loudly exhaled and bent his head to the side, giving me more access to his skin. I lightly bit and sucked until a red circle appeared. His hands trailed down my spine and he hugged me closer to him. My pants began to feel tighter the longer I kissed him. I pulled my lips off him and took his outermost layer of clothes on. My cloak flew off of me and tucked itself away.
"Could you take off your clothes for me?"
I asked him politely.
"Only if you do the same."
The god said, sounding more like himself again.
We both phased off our clothes using magic, our exposed cocks now resting against eachother. Both of our body's were bright pink.
"I'm not gonna lie, it's been a while since I've been in bed with anyone."
I admitted, feeling embarrassed.
Loki's locked eyes on my growing erection wasn't helping the feeling either.
"The last time I was in this situation, I was 500... I'm 1,072 years old."
"Holy shit,"
I mumbled under my breath.
"Eheheh, yeah."

We resumed kissing, this time I pushed my tounge into his mouth, wanting to gain some dominance over him. I began to grind my hips against him, making him groan into my mouth.
"Strange, I want you inside of me."
He whispered quickly.
"Hold on, babe."

Loki's POV
Dr. Strange got off my lap and knelt in front of me. He picked up my penis and placed his mouth on the tip.
"Wait, stop."
I blurted.
He did instantly,
"Are you having second thoughts?"
"No, I just.. I want to do that to you."
He smirked at me and we traded positions.
"I-I've never done this to anyone, so I might not be good, but I've read books about this."
I held his cock steady as I wrapped my lips around it. It felt weird at first, but a good weird. I slowly took him in further and I used my tounge to lick around his member.
"Damn Loki. You look so hot like this."
"Pull my hair."
I said before sucking him back into my mouth. Stephen grasped my locks and carefully pushed my head deeper onto him, I could tell he didn't want to hurt me. With my hands on his waist, I took his length completely down my throat.
"Ah- Loki!"
He grunted in a deep voice, making my already hard cock throb. I altered my body so that my gag reflex was removed. I bobbed my head on Stephen's shaft, sucking hard when my head retracted and deep throating him when I came forward.
"I'm gonna c-come if you continue like this."
Strange warned me.
I pulled back so that only his tip was inside, I teasingly dipped my tounge into his slit, tasting a bit of his pre-released semen.
I stood up, both of us were already panting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2019 ⏰

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