Great Times

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Tonight is a Tuesday, so Cody isn't working. It's going on about 6:30, and Malley and I have been two lineuos already.

"Dude, you wanna make a call for sime bud?" Malley asked. "Why? I've got half a g and some papers back in the proroom." I said. "Dude is that shit in a pill bottle?" he asked. "Bruh I din't waste my time on pill bottles." We walked into the proroom, and the scent of my mangodreams kush hit us like a brick fucking wall when we opened the door. "Dude... Holy fucken shit youre going to get caught haha." "Lets go down to the public bathrooms so you can roll that fucker" I said. At this point, I was still learning how to roll, and couldn't roll freehand, I was still using dollar bills. I took a piss and waited for Malley to come out to the table. "Yo yo yo yo. Dude I dropped the tiniest bit" "It's all good bruh" I said. "Lets take a walk to the upper parking lot and smoke this doobie on the way." Malley said. "Dude you rollled iti you spark it" "but bro its your weed, you take first hit" "dude i cant do it, just light it up already!" "alright bro.." We passed it back and forth for awhile, and were about half way through it when it happened. I, of course.., had it in my hand. "Dude take another long hit" "but bro i already took my twoi your turn" "stop being nice and fucking drag the bitch again right the fuck now!!" "holy shit bro calm down" I put it back up to my lip and inhaled deeply, when I noticed the state trooper rolling really, really, like sketchy slow past us. "Holy fuck bro!" "just keep hitting it and act like its a cigarette, and calm the fuck down!" Malley said very quietly. As I looked closer at the squad car I noticed the passenger window was down and the cop was starting at us. "Lets keep moving, and find a car to look like were headed to" Malley said. I didnt even question it. The trooper came up into the lot and did a circle around the cars and then left. "Holy fucken shit man that was soooo fucking sketchy dude" "its all good, with my beanie on i look old enough to have cigs. He was peobably eying us up because you look young and he probably though I was selling cigs to you" Malley said. "Heres the last few hits. Theyre all yours" after he finished it, he handed me the roach and said swallow this. Now keep in mind I'd never swallowed a roach before. "Holy fuck man, you just swallowed a roach dry! thats impressive!" he said. "It happens after you have pills to take every morning sonce you were six" "theyre for your crohn's right?" "yeah bro" "atleast its dormant" he said. As we started to walk back to the proroom. "Dude lets go talk to brady in rentals!" "brady doesnt work tonight" "but hes still in there.." "alright lets go see man" Malley said.

We walked in the door to rentals and Brady immediatly said get your asses over here, now! and lean on the ficking counter spaulding! I leaned on the counter. "Dude we were just up in the upper lot smoking a doobie." "I can tell. And hes totaly fucking shit faced, just walking around his job, bosses, and customers... He swalled the roach didnt he?" "hehehehehe yea I did man" I said. "Dide got your vape on you?" "yea dude! its got that sweedish in it." Brady handed malley his vape. it was a sweet setup. It cost about $100 to build at the time. "Go outside to the smokers corner with it though I modded the intake and the clouds are fucking monsterious!" "alright man, well be right back with your baby" Malley said.

Lets take a second here. I dont know if youre aware, but when you smoke cigs stoned, it like doubles the effect of the high because of the headrush from the nic.

"Dude let ne rip that sweet fucker!" "you sure man? itll make it worse" "dude ive been needing nic all day, i dont care" "alright bro, here you go" I ripped it, abd blew rhe biggest fucking cloud Ive ever made in my entire life of vaping. "Holy fuck dude, whats the nic content in this stuff?" "24 milligrams of straight nicotien bitch" "holy fuck in buzzing after one hit" "hand it here you crazy ass fucker!" He and I passed it back and forth for another ten minites and walked back in to return it. "Dudes wanna try the new k2 demo board?" "hell yea man, grab me the closses you got to 155!" I responded" "stay out of the park on the demos though!" "haha yeaaaa ok...." I responded.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2014 ⏰

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