"Thank you helping us!" you told her. "And thanks for the scones!" Freddie said, already biting one of them. "You're all welcome. Goodbye, kids", she said, looking at you all again, and keeping her gaze a little longer on John. "Take care", he told her, and she started her car and left.

"I though it was pronounced scone, like tone", you said, and Roger laughed. "Of course you do. But it's scone, like gone. There's a rhyme for that", he said, and tried to remember it. But you were faster. "I asked the maid in dulcet tone

To order me a buttered scone;

The silly girl has been and gone

And ordered me a buttered scone"

The boys stared at you. "What? I got corrected about it as soon as I got here. But it's fun to see if a person will correct me by becoming offended or by being nice", you told them. "So you were testing me?" Roger said, ironically raising his eyebrow. "Yeah", you told him, nodding your head and wrapping your arms around his torso. "And did I pass?", he asked, gently holding your face in his hands. "With flying colors", you told him, and he gave you a peck on the lips.

"Oi, lovebirds. We have a show to perform", Freddie interrupted, and you got inside the car. You sat by Roger's side, his right hand on your thigh. "Again, and not that I have anything against you being here, Y/N, but why couldn't I bring Veronica?", Deacy asked, and you nodded your head as if saying "it's fine".

"Because it's my van and it would only fit one more person, so I chose who it would be", Roger said. "Focus on driving the car, Roger. We don't need any other surprises, like getting lost", Brian said, just waking up from his nap. "Are these scones?", he said as he opened the Tupperware.

And you were now putting cream and jelly - or jam, as Roger corrected you later - on one of the last scones, sitting on the couch, watching them get ready. They dressed at a normal pace, not embarrassed of your presence, but Roger took a little longer, fixing his hair as he wore only his underwear. He looked at you from the mirror, smirking, just to make sure you were watching him. You smirked back.

His show outfit today was nothing but black leather pants and a velvet vest. "How do I look?" he asked you, before sitting by your side. "You know, I think I've seen better", you smiled at him. "Really? When?" he asked you. "Hm, let me think. Probably yesterday afternoon", you told him. He spent the afternoon in your place, and you enjoyed it in your usual, very carnal, manner. "Oh, I see. But I'm not sure if you'd like me to perform naked", he wondered. "Perhaps if it was a private performance", you answered, and he smiled at you. "Maybe later. Can you put it on me?", he said, giving you the eyeliner. You smiled back at him and slid the eyeliner across his lids, smudging it with your fingers. "You're annoying, really. You're not only hot and talented, but you also look better with eyeliner than I do", you told him, admiring his look. "I beg to differ", he answered you, snaking his arms around your waist and pulling you closer to him.

You were about to kiss when someone knocked at the door. "Queen in 10 minutes. We need you backstage", and Roger rolled his eyes, pressing a quick kiss to your lips. "You taste like jam", he told you, licking his lips and getting up from the couch, offering you a hand.

You all started walking to where they had to wait for their turn to perform, and they all looked a bit nervous. Roger twirled his drumsticks in his hands. He turned to you. "Are you gonna watch the show from here?" He asked you. "Actually, I thought it would be a better experience from the audience. I should probably get going if I want a good spot, though", you answered, and gave him a kiss. "I hope you enjoy it. It was an interesting experience, up until now, right? That lady was nice", he said, and you laughed.

Bed of RosesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora