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Piper Spellman
Daugher of Edward and Diana Spellman, sister of Sabrina Spellman. Dating Nicholas Scratch. When they started dating she was 13 and him 15 but when they broke up she was 15 (about to turn 16) and him 17. He called her and told her to meet him in the woods so she did. When she my him in the woods she found him with a girl making out next to a tree (the girl was Prudence). He didn't want her to sign her name in the Book of the Beast so he acted like he was cheating on her and broke up with her. That was he only way that he knew she would never come back to him. They loved each other desperately. He loved her so much that he left her before she signed her life away. He saw how her sister reacted when she turned 16 and didn't want that for her. They both were each other's first everything. When she found him with that girl she ran back to her home and cried herself to sleep. Her family knew she was dating someone but she never told them who it was. They both traveled through the woods a lot and she could not bare the fact that she would have to see him again. So she moved in with her friend in Riverdale, Betty. When she moved she put a wall up and didn't let anyone inside except her friends in Riverdale. She never thought that she would have to face Nicholas ever again but little did she know she was in for a treat. He never stopped loving her and she never stopped loving him either.
Now she is 17 and he is 19.
Btw now she has the style of teen Alice and looks nothing like she did when she was in Greendale.

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