
866 84 45

@thatonegirl1500 taylor

Seth: To Be Honest I have only talked u about once and I think ur really cool and hope to talk to u more

Jason: to be honest I consider u a little sister!!!! I feel really bad because we talked lately

Jace: to be honest I don't really know u but I remember stalking ur profile

Jesse: to be honest I don't know much about u but u seem really cool and ur adorable

Dylan: to be honest I have only talked u for a few and already think ur a very down to earth person and easy to get along with.

Jack: To be honest I think ur username is over used. (Nothing else to say cause I don't really know u)

Justin: to be honest I really have no idea what to say but I'm like I'm thinking of boobs rite now.

Travis: to be honest what Justin said haha

Trevor: to be honest I really like ur pfp and u seem very nice.


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