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Sonny_James tagged me too a while ago:

8 facts about me:

1. Even though I am quite confident and like myself, I have loads of complexes and anxiety's.

2. I'm not sure but it could be possible that I have a kind of claustrophobia. I have no problems with crowded places but small rooms where I could be locked in, freak the hell out of me. I once saw a filmclip where a girl was squeezed in an oven by their parents and I freaked out just watching it and imagined that I would get squeezed in a tiny room and I asked myself how the hell the actress could actually do that.

3. I'm not afraid to die (even though dying right now would be very unfortunately because I wanna see the last season of Game of thrones and Endgame) but I'm afraid of the way I'm dying. I am afraid of drowning, I am afraid of suffocating and I am afraid of getting crushed to death.

4. I have no problems with heights, I have a problem if there is the possibility to lean forward and fall over. I don't trust my dumbass self.

5. I blush very bad when I am embarrassed but luckily I don't get embarrassed quickly because I am open with everything and I don't think there is anything I wouldn't talk about.

6. I am insecure with plenty things, except my body. Luckily. If there would be any other thing I had struggles with I would probably need therapy because all the other stuff is stressing me out enough.

7. I am not happy how my life developes at the moment but I try to accept it and still be happy.

8. My mononucleosis (pfeifrisches Drüsenfieber) got chronic and because of that I had to stop doing one of my gymnastic activities and the last year I couldn't train at all. Getting forced to stop doing what you love because your body can't handle the physical pressure is fucking horrible and I hate it.
A year ago I had training 4 times a week for at least two hours and now I can go once a week if I'm lucky. All that stuff defines my mental health. So my mental health depends on my physical health but my physical health can't get better because it stresses me out that my body won't do what I want, which causes my bad mental health. Its a damned vicious cycle.

Well thats it.
Peace out madafacka

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