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(3rd person POV)

Gavin walked to his somewhat messy desk and felt waves of heat disappear from him. He shut his eyes tightly and pinched his eyes together. Once he looked up it was standing there. The pissed off detective said "what do u want asshole?" It said in a surprisingly calming voice "I need a desk detective. Oh and it is a pleasure working wi-" it was cut off by Gavin saying "Bring me a Coffee dipshit." It walked to the break room and opened the door. Tina was in there. Worried as ever. It could tell not only because of his very advanced programming but because she was tapping the coffee cup she was holding and was biting her lip. Tina does this when she was nervous. It could tell because when Gavin was being screamed at earlier Tina was doing that the whole time. Tina noticed the androids presence and gave it a sympathetic look. She walked over to it and looked up at it. She said "please look after Gavin please. He is in a very tough spot right now. His m-" Tina cut herself off before she started crying. Right there. In front of the thing.

Tina desperately grasped onto it for dear life while sobbing for her dear friend Gavin. It did not know what to do. So, it just stayed still staring ahead like nothing was happening. Tina finally caught her breath and looked up at it and said in a rushed whisper "I said to much". Tina barged out of there quickly. Instead of being irrational like a human being and helping her, it just continued to do its required task.

Once the thing was done making the now lukewarm coffee, Gavin barged in there. "Hey asshole? What is taking you so long?" It was just about to explain before Gavin snatched the cheap office coffee right out of it's 'hand'. Gavin took a sip and wrinkled his face in disgust and threw the coffee into the trash and walked out. It followed behind Gavin and scanned him for the first time.

Gavin Reed
Sex: Male
Age: 37
Weight: 125 pounds
Heart rate: 87
Stress: 92%
Temp: 81
.............(Scanning complete).............

Gavin turned around and saw it looming over him. Gavin looked up at it and said, "Do you have a name? I wanna know so I know what name to scream when you piss me off". It looked to the side and said "I do not own a name. I got shipped straight from the Cyberlife tower" "Hmph" said Gavin. "Perfect" He got a smirk on his face. Of course It rolled his eyes. It looked at Gavin. It dared not to scan Gavin but could not help but stare at his features. Of course it was not long until Gavin noticed."The fuck you staring at you toaster?" It had blinked slowly. "My apologies detective." It finally took the time to look around the DPD. It could scan everything in the room without even having to move.   Did not take long until It found a empty desk right in front of the Detectives own desk.

Any normal person would connect the dots and ask for the seat. So, that is exactly what it did. That is what his programming told him to do. I mean, that is just being nice right? Gavin saw it standing there awkwardly so, he said "Be useful and fucking work!''. It asked about the seat right in front of his own. Gavin, having absolute no desire to have a androids sit directly in front of him, but he did not want to be fired, offered him the desk anyway.

It really wanted a name. They looked at Gavin and said "detective please. I would like a-" Gavin snarled. "Ha! androids can not like anything! Now fuck off" They both continued the investigation.

Howdy do! Sorry about my slow updates. I will try and get them out as soon as possible. How did I do? I am pretty new at this. By that I mean righting fanfic. Hope you enjoyed this! I know that this is short sorry!

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