Chapter 2

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The judges all sat down quickly, anticipating the performances from all of the contestants.

Lilli ran a hand through her long jet black hair as she waited for the first contestant to enter the stage.

She could hear the murmurs of the contestants behind her, amazed by her great beauty. A smile grew on her face as she watched the first contestants walk onto the stage.

The trainees from Maverick entertainment bowed as they introduced themselves to the judges awaiting their performance.

After their performance, trainee Minjun informed the judges that he had prepared a dance and Lilli sat up in anticipation.

While he was performing, Lilli nodded her head at certain times, almost like a sign of approval

"Now that we are done looking at your performance please give us some time" Zhang PD said as he put down his microphone and turned to the other judges

Lilli leaned into Chang Xiao as she, Cheng Xiao and Jieqiong discussed about the performance they had just watched

"I liked their performance, but like PD said they really restricted their moves"

"It must have been hard going up first though, I can't imagine how nervous they would have been" Jieqiong replied as the two other girls nodded in agreement

"Now announcing the ranking of the trainees from Mavericks Entertainment" Zhang PD started

"Trainees in A rank are none"
The trainees all looked around in shock, wondering how high the judges expectations might be

"Trainees in B rank are none"

"Trainees in C rank are none"

As Zhang PD said this, the trainees sat up in disbelief, wondering what rank these trainees might get.

In the end Zhang Pd ended up giving three D's and 3 F's to the Maverick trainees.

Lilli seeing how the trainees were become discouraged picked up her microphone

"Can I just give some advice to the trainees that will come up next"

Everyone's attention immediately turned to the Chinese beauty as she continued

"You only have these few moments on stage, I want all of you to show the talent and potential that we know you have. I understand how scary it must be but never give up and I'm sure your hard work will pay of. Jiayou!"

The trainees nodded taken her advice to heart, while also being slightly touched by her words.

Turning around she gave a cute smile to the trainees behind her and held up her fist in a way of cheering them on.

I was pretty surprised when I came back to Wattpad and saw there were people that were actually reading my book. I want to say thank you for reading this even though it's not that great and also a thanks for the comments because without them I would have been unmotivated to write any more. I'm not sure how much I'll be able to update but I'll try my hardest to do it regularly

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