"What...?" My voice was small, my eyes wide in disbelief. This isn't King.... it can't be.... can it? I instinctively moved forward, only to close my eyes and cry out. Seating pain rippled across my skin and through my body, it was as though waves of hot metal were washing over me.

"King, please..." I croaked, opening my eyes again. I found Meli standing at the door. He didn't say anything. He just stood, staring coldly at me. "Meli..?"

"My name is Meliodas," he stated simply. His words were cruel. "And I only came to tell you that you are no longer part of the Seven Deadly Sins."

"What? W-what are you talking about?! Meli, please, tell me what's going- AH!" I screamed it, a burning sensation making itself present on the small of my back.

My tattoo.

The one that symbolizes my part in the Sins.

"Meli," I cried, tears beginning to seep from my eyes. They fell freely down my cheeks, soaking into the earth below me or rolling down my arms or thighs. Some of them fell onto the rags I was wearing- a faded grey dress that was practically ripped to shreds. "Please..."

"I should have never brought you in in the first place," he spat, looking me up and down with disgust. "You don't deserve a second chance. You're far worse than the rest of us."

My eyes widened, and my hands gripped shakily at the exposed skin of my thighs. I was careful not to trigger the confinements on my wrists. My whole body trembled as I stared downward.

This can't be what he really thinks....


"YOU BITCH!" Diane's voice cried, causing my head to snap upward. The shackle around my neck burned into my skin. She was standing in the doorway, the size of a human. "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!"


"YOU KILLED PEOPLE!" She screamed, cheeks flushed in anger and eyes glaring daggers of hatred into my soul. "I HATE YOU!"

"Diane," I whimpered, tears flowing in large globs now. "No, no, no, wait. Wait! Please! I-I can explain!"

"NO!" She screamed, teeth bared and fists clenched tight. "I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING, YOU MONSTER!"

"Diane, please," I spoke, my voice nearly silent as I choked on a sob. Tears blurred my vision as they cascaded down my cheeks and nose in rivers.

"You don't belong with us," Merlin's voice echoed through the chamber.

"No..." I breathed, my eyesight clearing to find her staring at the floor. She was leaning against the frame of the doorway. "Merlin, not you too..."

"Is not a matter of what you feel," she snapped, eyes darting toward me. She was normally calm, so the anger in her voice showed how extremely she felt. "It's a matter of how it effects the people around you. The people you care about." She scoffed, "But I guess you don't care about us, do you, Demon?"

"No, Merlin! No, you don't understand!"

"Shut. Your. Mouth." She spat, her rage increasing tenfold. Her face was scrunched up in emotion. "You don't even deserve to speak. Animals are not on the level of us more advanced races."

I looked down, ashamed. Tears fell in droplets and small streams onto the earthy floor, creating small wet sections of dirt.

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Greed and Despond (Ban x Sin!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now