Part 2

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He's fast. It doesn't take a genius to see that. You keep your back against a wall so you can strike in any direction without worrying about being stabbed from behind. The demon seems surprised that you can block every swing of his sword.

You smile. Finally. You're facing a worthy opponent.

He comes at you so fast that you know he'll break your arm when you try to block. Using the wall to kick off, you flip over him and he dives face-first into the stone bricks. You smile and raise your sword, using your foot to flip your opponent onto his back. It's the honorable way, your father always said, to look into an enemy's eyes as you kill them is to show them respect. You drive your sword through one of his hearts and pull it out quickly, preparing to stab again.

"One," you're sure to count the hearts as you run your sword through them, just to make sure you get them all. Zeldris grunts, kicks you off of him then kicks up by swinging his legs back and using the momentum to throw himself into a standing position. He glares at you. You respond by flourishing with a smile.

He lunges at you again and you sidestep with a spin. It's much more fun to fight stylishly than just get down to it. And it's been ages since you've had a dance partner this intent on killing you. You feel like you could put the fight to music. Something in a 3/4 time signature, perhaps. You hum as you block his blows with your sword, knowing if your timing is off or if he switches time signatures suddenly you could die. But no. You're the conductor here. He's attacking you. He's expending more energy by doing so. You move only when you have to, blocking his blows and waiting for your opportunity to strike again.

Blood is still pouring from the gaping wound in his chest. His breathing is a little shallow, but he hasn't slowed down at all.

You lock swords with him and you stare into each other's eyes. His are full of malice and yours are full of determination. Your faces are so close together that you could kiss him if you were so inclined. That would definitely throw the demon off his guard, wouldn't it? You choose to headbutt him, instead. You run him through with your sword again. He coughs and blood runs down his chin. You put your foot on his chest and pull out your sword.

"Two," you say.

He wipes the blood off his face and steps back.

"I'll kill you for that," he replies.

"You'll have to get me down long enough to do it," you counter.

He takes up a fighting stance again and you match him. 

He moves closer. 

You flourish. 

He swipes at you. 

You dodge. 

He thrusts, and you parry accordingly. 

In a risky move, you swipe at his head. 

He blocks, of course, but as he's trying to throw you off, you land a solid kick in his stomach. 

He doubles over, feigning pain, and catches your foot. You have a split second to be shocked before he throws you into a wall and leaps after you. In the dust of the crumbling wall, you raise your sword in time for Zeldris to skewer himself.

"Three," you whisper.

He gets his feet under him and jumps, nearly taking your sword with him. When he lands he raises his sword, preparing to strike, and you roll out of the way as the blade bites into the floor. You kick up into a standing position. Being thrown into a wall hurt, but you suspect Zeldris is feeling it, too, after you stabbed his third heart.

"Why would you attack innocent civilians?"

"Is that what they have you believing?" he mocks.

You don't see how children can trick you into believing they are innocent when it's clear that they are. But you suppose the souls of the innocent may be worth something to the demon and you are determined not to let him get at them.

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