"see. He's just a big softie." Evangeline said sweetly and kissed Leonidas on his nose. He ran off to join his brother and sister. "sorry about that." she said timidly and gently brushed her hand across the side of Lieb's face where Leonidas had licked him, making sure he didn't bite him. Liebgott smiled at her touch and how close he was to her face.

"It's okay. I'm fine, really." he said sincerely, unable to even think about anything else besides her. Evangeline smiled at him. She took her hand away only to bring both her hands back on to his shoulders. She stood on her tip toes to reach his cheek where she planted a gentle kiss.

"see ya around, then." She smiled and turned around and began walking over to Luz who was talking to another man with a toothbrush in his mouth. Liebgott was left speechless, touching the spot on his cheek where he had kissed her. God forgive me, he thought to himself.

. . .

Later that night, Evangeline became fast friends with the men of Easy company. At first some of the guys, other than Luz and Talbert, were nervous around Evangeline. But Evangeline was warm and inviting and she laughed heartily at their jokes and told funny stories of her own. Evangeline had forgotten what her laugh sounded like. And she forgot she could be so charming. It had been years, even before the war, since she had felt the way she did when she was with Easy company. Her cheeks were pink from laughter and that night she let herself fall in love with each and every one of them.

At dawn she woke with her head resting slightly on the shoulder of Luz. He himself had noticed in the middle of the night and refused to move. He fell back asleep with a wide grin on his face. Evangeline lifted her head and her eyes fluttered open. She reached into her pocket and chewed on a mint leaf. Hardly anyone around her was awake, but out in the distance she could see more men stirring and moving about. She undid her ponytail and ran her fingers through her hair, before putting it back up.

Frank Perconte lay mere feet way and he watched through half opened eyes as Evangeline held the rubber band in between her teeth and tried to get every piece of stray hair. She wasn't exactly his type, and his mother would kill him if ever came home with a half French half Irish girl, but still he watched mesmerized by her.

Evangeline untied her bandana from her neck. Guarnere snuck up from behind her and tried to scare her. She just looked up at him unimpressed.

"Dammit. I'm gonna get you one of these days, Angel." He said sitting down next to her. Luz and the rest of the men were awake now. Leave it to Guarnere to wake up every man in the platoon.

"Fat Chance, Stud." She responded and tied the bandana back around her neck and started to get ready. Soon after, Welsh, Martin and Hoobler got together to discuss the next plan of attack. As Evangeline sharpened her knife she heard a howl in the distance. She jerked her head and turned around. Not soon after that came the sound of the first explosion.

Evangeline left no time for surprise and panic. She quickly sprang into action. The men began firing at the germans under Winters orders. Dick found Evangeline next to Smokey who was bleeding from his head. He watched briefly as she took of her red bandana and wrapped it around his head. She pushed him aside away from danger. Evangeline looked up and saw Dick standing there momentarily caught off guard. He quickly moved and knelt on the other side of Smokey.

"We need to take out the gunners." she yelled while dodging debris and shrapnel. and just as she said it Liebgott shot one and he fell from the tank on the ground. "like that." She yelled again.

"What we need is take out that entire trench." Winters yelled back as he pointed. Evangeline followed his hand to at least 30 German Helmets that she could see in the ground.

"Consider it done!" she yelled back and then looked back at Smokey. She kissed his forehead and squeezed his hand. Then she leapt up and ran. Winters was dumbfounded but he didn't have time to react. He went back to business and ordering his men.

The other men watched as Evangeline strode into view on a horse. What the fuck? Was all Luz could think. They watched as she rode faster and faster approaching one of their men who lay on the ground wounded. A German tank was about to run him over, but just as Evangeline was about to ride past him. She swung down low, still holding on to the horse's mane with one hand as she picked up the soldier on the ground with the other and then swung back onto the horse. The Germans and the tanks tried to hit her, but they all missed. She disappeared into the forest.

"Everyone else saw that, right?" Guarnere asked still firing his gun.

"that chick is fucking crazy!" Toye responded.

"I know! Isn't it hot?" Liebgott yelled over the gunfire.

Buck Compton watched from his position, as he saw an entire trench of Germans begin to go crazy. They were screaming out and panicking. He and his men watched with bewilderment as he saw chunks of German soldiers fly from the trench and one by one the enemy fire began to cease.

1st Lt. Ronald Spiers had a better view of what happened. And he watched with lustful hunger in his eyes as Evangeline entered the German Trench and cut through them with her sword like she was cutting back tall grass in the jungle. He couldn't stop himself from accompanying her. He ran to the trench and jumped in. Bodies littered the ground, crying out in German. Evangeline was standing at the end, plunging her sword into the body of a German. Suddenly a German soldier got up and pulled out his knife. He was standing behind Evangeline and she couldn't see him. Spiers ran through the trench.

Evangeline whipped around and was met face to face with a German solider who raised his knife at her. But before she could strike the first blow, a hand stabbed him in the neck and blood gushed from him as he fell to the ground. Evangeline stood there face covered in blood, frozen under the gaze of the man that stood I front of her. She knew it could be only one person, Lt. Spiers. His icy blue eyes seared into hers and her heart thumped in her chest. He licked his thumb and then wiped blood from the corner of her mouth. Evangeline batter her eyelashes out of nervousness and licked her lips. This drove Spiers crazy as he watched her tongue cover her big lips and return back in her mouth. He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to take her right there, yet he couldn't bring himself to say anything to her. It didn't matter because their moment of...whatever it was, was disrupted by the sight and sound of American Tanks. Evangeline jerked her head to see. And listened as the men of Easy company whooped and hollered over their appearance. She chuckled. Spiers lustful desires subsided into romantic ones as he watched her smile and heard her laugh. After months of pretending to be dead, he remembered what it felt like to be alive.

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