"You're going to be okay, aren't you, Awsten?" Geoff asked him. Tour was finally over and they were going home. Awsten's entire body itched, finally able to be alone. Soon. It was so soon.

Otto was getting on a connecting flight to head back to Houston, excited to see his girlfriend. Geoff was the same. Awsten had been itchy to get back to his girlfriend as well but now he was alone. There was nobody waiting for him at LAX and the silence of the terminal they were standing in now was deafening. She had put his things in storage, or so she said. He had nowhere to go.

"I'm fine. I just wanna go home." Awsten's voice was steady despite the turmoil inside. His phone vibrates and, for the briefest moment, he hoped it was her saying she's sorry, that she didn't mean it, that she wants him to come home to her.

ciarahanna20: I have so much more space in my phone now.

The air was knocked out of his lungs almost immediately at her tweet. He couldn't fucking breathe. The world was starting to spin around him, faster and faster, disorienting him. Geoff said something again but Awsten's head was underwater. Tears ran down his face, hot and unforgiving. He couldn't move, his feet rooted to the ground like they were encased in concrete.

Awsten attempted to inhale but it felt like he was breathing in mud. The walls of the LAX terminal were closing in on him. The room was getting smaller, the walls were coming closer, he couldn't breathe, he couldn't move, he couldn't think. Everything was moving too fast, coming closerclosercloser. He was going to suffocate and die. Diediediediedie.

Black spots began to form in his vision. He needed to leave. He needed air. But he couldn't move. Everything was wrongwrongwrong and he needed to go. He couldn't breathe he couldn't move. Can'tbreathecan'tbreathecan'tfuckingbreathe.

"Awsten!" Geoff grabbed Awsten's shoulder, a gesture that was supposed to snap him out of this, but Awsten recoiled like he'd been shot. Geoff's hand scorched him, the flesh under his hoodie stinging, burning. His body is hot and cold like a fever. He was dying. Diediediediedie.

"Do-don't tttttouch." Awsten's voice was slurred, his teeth chattering.

"Okay. I won't. But I need you to breathe for me." Geoff's voice was calm, soothing. There was no inflection in his voice at all, a stark difference to the roar in Awsten's ears. "Can you sit down?" In the blur around him, Awsten noticed a chair nearby and sat down in it. "Good, Awsten. Now lean forward and put your head between your knees. That's right. Just like that."

Awsten was in no position to argue with Geoff. He did as he was told, leaning forward to put his head between his knees. There was something about this motion that was calming. Awsten closed his eyes until he could feel the pressure on his chest start to subside, the adrenaline seeping out of him, replaced only by heavy exhaustion. His breathing began to even out and the spots in his vision started to disappear.

When he was more put together, Awsten lifted his head and looked at Geoff, his wonderfully patient best friend, who was sitting cross-legged in front of him, a look of concern on his face. Awsten knew he was eager to get home to his lovely girlfriend. He hoped he didn't make Geoff miss his flight. God, he was such a fuck up.

"Are you okay?" Geoff asked after a long few moments of silence. "What happened just now?"

"She tweeted. I ju-just saw a tweet. I don't... I just..." Awsten hated himself for the way he stuttered. "I'm ssssssorry, Geoff."

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