At the brew

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Alisons pov

We were all gonna go to the brew today so I got my keys and headed out I needed to confess my secret to emily I need to tell her how I feel about her and tell her that I love her I need to apologize for hurting her I was scared to go out and show the real me also A was threatening me so I couldn't show it but now that A is gone I have to tell her the truth , tell her that I love her! but what if her feelings for me have changed? what if she doesn't love me back? I know I deserve it for hurting her but it's time to let her know that I love her.

Emily's pov

I got to the brew and noticed I was the first one there I got a text from spencer saying, running late have to pick up Aria & hannah I texted back saying ok when I noticed Alison driving up and my heart felt like it was going 100 mph it was Alison.

Alison pov

I drove up to the brew and only saw the most beautiful girl in the world she was alone waiting it was the love of my life emily I got out the car and went up to emily. he em hi alison she said I thought to myself what if this is the right time to confess my love? should i? I'm not sure if to do it? hello Alison? Oh sorry I said she noticed I was blushing and nervous what's wrong she said? oh nothing I told her it's just I thought again if to tell her and It's just what? oh nothing sorry I told her again soon we saw the girls driving up. I knew I lost my chance.

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