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I started feeling depressed around 6/7 Grade. I really don't know what triggered everything probably how my mom was married to a Mentally abusive Husband He commented on my weight, my looks, How I ate, everything

During the years they were married I never thought I was depressed just really really sad. With his constant Bullying I went from 150. To 110. I was very young.

I never ever told anyone but I remember the first night I realized I was depressed my friend Let's call her Jasmine(not her real name) had said she was depressed when she explained what it was that's how I knew that I as well was depressed.

After she had left my body had became numb. Nothing else.


I felt like my life was over I didn't have a reason. When but my friend Jasmine Helped me Slowly,after 8th grade she had moved schools. So I faked my laughs my smiles. Basically everything

This is all I'm writing for now. I'll update when I'm available

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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