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I had fun watching, as she called herself, Carson freak out about getting her head

in the game. It was one little accident, and she fixed it without help. I thought that she did pretty well for being taken by surprise. I would have freaked out if I hadn’t had a weapon with me and saw that monster. It must have eaten a baby elephant. That zombie was three times the size of any normal zombie I had ever seen. Ha! A normal zombie. My life was over.

I rubbed my eyes and started the car then shut it off and went back in, deciding

everyone deserves a chance to live. I made my way back to the asshole and crossed my arms.

“You want to be safe and stay alive? Well I’m heading to a safe haven and I was wondering if you would come along…..everyone deserves to have a long life even you, so I call a truce till we get there if you come” I told him glad I had sunglasses on not that my eyes could show much emotion with them being so white.

“Ah, okay,” I figured, not wanting to be alone now. I had had too much human conversation now to go back to the voiceless moaning of the dead walking around. It was hard to believe that just five years ago, everything was good, normal, fine, everyone was alive. Now, their dead.

I was surprised he agreed but didn’t show it.

“Well. Ok then. Let’s move” I said on my way back out the door. I felt something touch my shoulder and pulled my gun out on it. The monster was disgusting, she looked anorexic, like she was ready to die, and I recognized her as one of my best friends, how she had gotten to New York well I sure wasn’t sure. Before I could cry, I popped her twice and continued to the car.

“Ew,” I muttered, looking at the nasty thing on the ground. It looked like it hadn’t had human flesh in weeks, maybe months. If this zombie was this weak from not having human flesh, maybe they could die again. I didn’t make this observation out loud, afraid that if Carson thought that I was crazy, she might not let me come.

“By the was, my name is Colt.” I told her, feeling odd saying my name.

I stopped and unlocked the car.

“Nice to meet you Colt, I follow a series of very important rules that you don’t have to follow, but if you don’t I almost die because of it, your out” I warned and sped out of the parking lot. I put on country music after some time in the quiet and when I found it was Storm Warning by what’s his face I turned it up louder. I got us on our way to Ohio in about 10 minutes.


“This is a pretty good song.” I mused, knowing I’ve heard it. I didn’t know where

we were actually heading, but I didn’t really care. It was better than walking around New York for another five years. Growing up in Detroit, Michigan had it’s advantages. I knew how to use a gun and I knew where people hid important things like guns and ammunition. It was something I had learned from my friend, Trey. Stealing things was easier when you knew where to look.

“Mhm” I retorted and ran over a one armed zombie almost laughing. I couldn’t stop thinking about seeing Krista like that and on top of it I had killed her, I kept my glasses on so I could let myself get teary-eyed.

“Can you hand me a lunchable from a bag in the back” I asked keeping my voice from shaking.

“Uh, yeah. Here you go.” I handed her the lunchable and looked out my window.

I wanted to say something about the girl that she had killed, but didn’t know how to bring it up. It had seemed that she knew her, but that was an uncontrollable part of this life. Killing the things that used to be family and friends.

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