Part 7 - Rise Of The Fall And Fall Of The Rise

Start from the beginning

A few days later, force is used to break the newly formed state. Both empires act together, attacking each point of opposition. But, the people don't stop fighting. They get together and hand each other's hand, forming human fences around their villages and towns. Will a whole state be imprisoned?

Tensions are high. Many more provinces want out. No matter what an empire tries, more and more people want to break out. Tensions rise in other areas. Protests are seen on the streets of New York and Jerusalem. In Moscow, it is peace for the moment. Meanwhile, the war continues in Botswana, where many people are killed. Something needs to be done.

On June 1st, year 58, the Supreme Soviet interferes and says that people has the right to chose what they want. They demand that Botswana should be a free state. By the end of June, the other empires accept and withdraw their armed forces. Soon after this, two major rebellions occur in the Baltics and in Italy. This time, after two months of fighting, both states are recognized free. Japan follows. Japanese people don't go to war. Instead, they take off all American flags and put on back their Japanese flags. They chose their own emperor, a descendant of the imperial family. The same happens in the Caucasus, where people refuse to pay taxes and remove all New Soviet flags.

Then starts a bloody rebellion in Arabia. Arabs want to rebuild Mecca, which was destroyed by Rosenstein's troops.

Ana Leonova urgently goes to Moscow for a secret meeting with the Supreme Soviet, Anastasia Melnikova. It is late in September. Ana is now old, but Melnikova is young. She is only 27 and very ambitious. Both women meet in a room and light a cigarette.

"It is an honor for me to receive your visit", says the Supreme Soviet.

"We live difficult times now", says Ana. "It's been a difficult period since I was born. But now, it is even harder".

"Despite all my efforts to make our empire a modern place, there is something that I cannot do. People want to be free. I am afraid that this will lead to a worldwide bloody war".

"I can see that", says Ana. "All three empires are losing territories as rebellions are getting more common".

"I am more worried about a possible nuclear war".

"After all these years... This is what I fought to stop and prevent. This is why I fought to win the space race, to take the fight out of Earth. Now, what should we do?"

"I don't know exactly, comrade Leonova. I preferred to let the Baltics out, to sacrifice a small territory so that the rest can remain united. But, I see escalating tensions all over the empire. It would be acceptable to lose some border territories. This could create a buffer zone between empires".

"But now, rebellions occur anywhere. Comrade, we have war in Arabia, very close to Jerusalem. I heard that even the Syrians are getting ready for war. In the American Empire, Texas is seeking to become free. The same happened with an Amerindian reservation".

"The problem is what will remain after this. I expect one empire will remain stronger then the other ones and will start conquering the small free states. It looks like we are the least affected for the moment".

"That is good".

"I don't think so", says the Supreme Soviet. "If we conquer the fragments, we have to fight with all local factions. They will fight against us. This would only increase our problems. I thought if there is a solution to the problem. Then, I found out that we are also a problem. Our empire would one day collapse under its own weight".

"You see that?" asks Ana.

"Yes, I do. The New Soviet Empire was formed as a mean to stop the other two empires. People joined us to save themselves. Local governors preferred to join us instead of being conquered by the other empires. But now, they have no reason to be with us. We have nothing to protect them from".

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