chapter 094 // ... oh gosh...

Start from the beginning

"Make it stop, Trickster!" she rolled her eyes

"Nah." she starts charging at him & when he goes for a punch, she ducked down & gave him a strong punch to the gut. He spat out saliva & staggered backwards, he tries to swipe at her but she jumped up & did a high kick to his jaw


"Hehe." she was suddenly grabbed by him & thrown through a window, she got up but she squinted her eyes when the other emitter type manipulated the wind to get rid of the mist

"Don't play with our desires, hero!" she rolled her eyes before standing up & taking a step forward, which resulted in her falling off the building & she landed with a loud thud, a few flinched when they see she left cracks beneath her feet

"Alright, how about I play with your fears?" she then laughs "Even though that's Shiki's job!" she laughs again then shakes her head "Nah, like I said before… I'm only here to stall." suddenly the leader was punched across the face by a metal fist & sent flying backwards but before he could crash into the building behind him, a wall of earth rose before him & stopped him from going any further


"You did great, Trickster."

"I feel like I could do better though." she said as she stretched

"You're lucky we aren't finished yet."

"Great! Now we have Kyogen & Micro here!" a mutant type villain cried out "What next?!" suddenly someone came flying in & landed beside Chris with a loud boom

"Sorry for dropping in, I hope you don't mind, Chris-san." she grinned as she let her helmet faze off

"Not at all, Deku."

"The No. 1 & 2 hero?!" she grinned but then she suddenly felt nauseous, Midoriya looked over at Chris with his signature grin but it washed away when he saw her suddenly turn pale

"Chris-san, are you al--" she held her hand up to stop him as she slapped her hand over her mouth

"Excuse me for a sec!" & she ran off, Biyuko & Murasaki look at each other before following after her, they watch in confusion as she throws up in a flower not "BLAH!!"

"Oh gosh!" Biyuko held her hair back as she continued to vomit

"… s-sorry, flowers…"

"Ahh!! Is she alright?!" Midoriya screamed as he watched her from beside a horrified Murasaki

"W-Wha-- j-just, just-- take care of them!" she yelled at them, he jumped then nodded

"R-Right! Some assistance, Shiki-kun!" he snapped out of his trance & nodded as he turned his heel & followed after Midoriya

"Yeah, right! I'm c-coming!" she violently gripped the edges of the flower pot

"… u-uh…"

(Time Skip)

"Maybe you're sick." Biyuko suggested as she circled the table Chris was on as KAREN scanned her vitals

"That's impossible, with my Super Regeneration, I'm not able to be infected by any known sicknesses like fevers, colds & even cancer. So it can't possibly be that." she explained

"Then what could it be? You just started throwing up in the middle of a fight! If Izuku didn't show up, what could've happened?!" Chris let out a sigh as KAREN finished scanning her so she sat up

"I probably just ate something bad, that's all." the other two shrug, Midoriya placed his hand on her shoulder

"Hopefully it isn't bad, Chris-san." KAREN let out a chuckle as she appeared before them

"Fortunately it isn't, congratulations young miss." she looked at KAREN confused

"For what?"

"You're pregnant." there was silence, they all look at her as she swallowed thickly

"… I think I'm gonna throw up again…" more silence, she nods "Yup." KAREN let out a sigh as she made a bucket appear so Chris could let it all out

"Does that explain why your breasts look bigger?" Murasaki questioned as he stared at them, Midoriya blushed violently before smacking him

"That is besides the point! You're going to be a mother!! Aren't you excited?!" she spat into the bucket & gave him a tired look

"Thrilled…" Biyuko rubbed her back in a soothing way as she took deep breaths "How do you think Toshi is going to react?"

"I think he'll make sure you're serious, when he believes you're serious he'll faint, then he'll scream in joy then cry." she said, Chris chuckled while Murasaki laughed loudly

"I bet on it!"

= Christian H. Shinsou Jitami =

"Why are you pacing around, Chris? Did something happen?" I hear Hitoshi ask as he sat on our shared bed with his toothbrush in his mouth

"What have I told you about talking with your mouth full?" he rolls his eyes

"You're avoiding my question." I take a deep breath as I run my hands through my hair as he went back into the bathroom to spit out the toothpaste "I haven't seen you this paranoid since that Eraser Quirk Drug incident with Overhaul. Did something similar happen?"


"Did something happen this afternoon with that villain attack?"

"No no."

"Is there something bad going on that I should know?!"

"No no no!" he stood up & grabbed my arms to stop me from pacing

"Then what is it?! You can tell me!" I stare down at him, I take a deep breath before slowly grasping his hands with mine & sitting down, he followed my lead & sat down beside me

"I… love you, Hitoshi, with all my heart, I truly do. I want to spend the rest of my life with you because you make my life complete, the night you proposed to me was the best night of my life, but it was nothing compared to our wedding day & maybe… now." I take a deep breath "… I'm, pregnant, with your child…"

"…" I swallowed thickly as he just continued to stare at me "… you're not kidding, right? This isn't one of your pranks, right?!" I shake my head as I start to cry

"No! Why would I joke about having a child?!" he looks to the side before fainting "W-Whoa! Hitoshi? Hitoshi?! Wake up, you idiot!!" I slap him awake & he shot back up, he stares at me again



"… YEEEEESSSS!!! I'M GONNA BE A FATHER!!!" he then got up then brought me to my feet before picking me up & twirling me around in joy "We're gonna be parents, Chris!" he then started to cry, I started to laugh


"What's so funny?" he asks as he sets me down

"Kotarou was right! She predicted your exact reaction!" he scoffs before pulling me into a kiss

"Fuck that, I could care less of what she said. I'm gonna live a life with my beautiful wife & soon, or adorable child." I nodded


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