7 - A Lovers' Quarrel

Start from the beginning

At the party, there weren't as many flashing lights as before (probably because the cops were called), but there were definitely a ton more people there. I knew I couldn't drink since the other three wouldn't be able to drive us home, so I basically just camped in the car for a few hours. I blasted my music and no one really cared or noticed.

It was nice. That is, until my mom texted to head home. She thinks I'm just hanging out at Chandler's house again, but I'm obviously not. If I manage to take a picture of Heather and I having fun and whatnot, I might convince my mom to pull off another hour or two before she starts getting impatient.

So, I rush to get Chandler just to get a picture, but I obviously can't see shit with all these people in this party, plus my height. I start jogging around, trying to find anything resembling Chandler. I didn't find her, but instead found Duke making out with some dude.

"Hey.." I awkwardly wave to her. "Duuukkee.."

She stops and look over to me, "Ugh, can't you see I'm in the middle of something?"

"I just wanted to know where Heather went, that's all."

She looks at me in confusion, ".... Which one?"

"Oh! Um, Chandler." I awkwardly smile.

"Don't know. She was with some dude though. They're probably boning."

I cringe, "Um, okay.."

She rolls her eyes and focus back on the guy.

I run- No- Speed walk- nay- Shuffle straight to the rooms inside the house. The restrooms were cleared. The bedrooms were.. Occupied but cleared none the less. I head to the backyard- just a lot of people dancing still. I then see the garage door slightly open. I walk over the to check inside. No one. I sigh, giving up until I hear some voices behind the garage.

"Can't we just return back to the party?" A familiar voice pleads.

"Aw, come on, baby. It'll be fast."


"With how you're dressed tonight, I can't help but get a little.. Y'know. So, let's get started." I hear an unzipping sound.


"Come on. Here, I'll help you."

I look over and see a guy grabbing onto Chandler's head and pressing it down to his.. Ew. They don't notice me. I quickly walk over to them, yanking Chandler's head up and slapping the guy across the face. She looks at me in surprise as I walk her away.

"RonNIE?! What are you doing?" She slurs.

"You're drunk?" I ask, stopping at the car.

She touches her face in surprise, ".. Yeah, I guess I am."

"And yet you weren't.. You didn't wanna.. Bone.. Him?" We both cringe.

"Ugh, nO." She smacks my head, "Don't ever say that again."

I rub my head, "How come you didn't sound as drunk as this before?"

"I acted." She says proudly.

"Well, want me to drive you home?" I ask, pointing to the car.

"What? Pfft! So early."

"You sure?" I ask, staring back at the party.

She looks at me for a second, ".. You know what?"

I wait for her to continue but she just stares at me. "..... What?"

"Imma go with you." She pokes my shoulder.

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