A begining to an end

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(Note there is a rewrite (currently still going so sorry if the chapters aren't posted yet I'm working on it) on the first 3 chapters of the series you can still read this one but the these will not be 'canon' ( since this is a au of a already established world of which I do not own;
j.k Rowling owns them not me) unless I repeat something which will be a lot so I don't think u need to read this one too

Sorry if the first part and maybe this part are really confusing I'll try to explain more as it goes no but it's going to get a lot more confusing before it gets clearer sorry! Also there's going to probably be a lot of charter death in this story
Harrison Evans had faced death multiple times one had been when his father had been killed another the old man who's name he did know to name others would be too tiresome. Yet as Harrison was stood leaned against the door of the 'room 003' he could not come to fathom a life without his mother. Hearing the door give click as the handle was turned
, Harrison stumbled inside the room colliding with his mother who had been exiting. "Harrison, what are you doing here?" Lily said with an overlying oblivion that was beginnings to crack as the sentence went on leaving a sense of panic and worry in her voice. Harrison looked up at his mother their similar stunning green eyes locked and Harrison gave his mother a simile.

"Why nothing of course mother" was the answer of innocence coming from young Harrison. Harrison could see his mother's nose give a slight cringe at his lie. 'Mother knows exactly what your doing here... you idiot' was the thought that ran rings around Harrison's mind.

While Dr.Givens watched the exchange his mind had gone blank if only for a second before he quickly recovered.
"Ms Evans if you would please follow me" he said with confidence "we will give you a medicine that help sooth your aliment." Dr.Givens continued.(a/n idk if what the treatment if there is any for tuberculosis is. I'm just saying there's no treatment but stuff that can help make u more comfortable in this story.) As Dr.Given stroud down the hall way he could hear the tell tale sound of foot steps hitting the tile floor a few seconds after he started walk down the hall way.

Harrison startled as he came out of his daydream to hear a hiss. He had been having the same daydream for the two months after his mother had been diagnosed with tuberculosis. Harrison absently watched as a cat was attacking a dog while hissing furiously. Harrison continued to watch the cat and the dog as he thought about his mother who had been bedridden only two weeks ago. He knew his mother was dying Harrison could feel if every time he walked into the room with her.

Harrison stood just outside his mother's room which was inside a small two bedroomed home they had bought three months before his mother had fallen ill. Watching as Dr.Givens continued a conversation he was having before Harrison had arrived. Harrison knew what was happening his mother was about to pass. The thing Harrison was upset the most about is he could not figure out why he was distressed his mother was passing yes he knew this he had know this for a long time. And not only that Harrison had seen death before it was not new so why was his mother's upcoming death upsetting him so. Was it the prospect that Harrison would have to fend for himself ... no it couldn't possibly he completely confident he would be able to take care of himself. Wrenching him out of his thoughts was the scratchy bark of Dr.Givens "Harrison your mother had to talk to you".

Lily Evans was dying that was evident in the room the stench of death hit Harrison strongly as he entered almost numbly. Harrison stared at his mother he could feel her Magic's weak hum of life as it fought a losing battle of life. Lily Evans lifted her hand weakly in an almost beckon to cone closed Harrison obeyed with heavy feet that felt as though they were dragging chains followed what seemed to be his mother's dying wish. Harrison could see the tell tale color of the rusty brown of dried blood on the corner of his mother's mouth. Feeling the compulsion to lift his hand and wipe away the symbol of his mother's death was strong but he resisted as he looked his mother in her empty eyes he could spot only one thing in the bombardment of memories he usually got 'acceptance' he must have frowned because his mother gave a soft smile and reached to hold his check in what must have been an attempt to reassure him. Though all Harrison could think is that his mother could not just give up that couldn't happen he needed her the world would need. Some sort of pleading must have shown on his face as his mother;Lily Evans opened her mother to speak it was raspy not like it hadn't been used but the terribly cough raspy "Harrison I have accepted that my time to take on death is now" she paused for a minute probably to catch her breath on her decomposing lungs "I can't make you accept my death but I can tell you the longer you grieve the harder it will be to let go of your grief and turn it into something else". Harrison could only star as his mother's body gave one last shudder before falling still. Giving his mother one last glance Harrison turned to leave but before he stepped a could foot away from his mother he turned back to face her. Licking his thumb he reached up wiping away the mark of death that had lay dried on the corner of her lips. As Harrison turned to leave he did the one thing he swore he would never do again Harrison let a single tear slide down his face leaving a warm trail that was quickly wiped away by an offending sleeve.

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