Chapter 2

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"here we are" James huffs looking out into the lunch room, he took me from lesson to lesson even taught me some new words while making fun of my accent "go sit right there I'll get our food" he points to a empty table surrounded by full tables, he doesn't seem to be a loner since he's talking and laughing with people on his way to the line, I clear my throat and start to walk towards the table laying my skirt flat across lap.

"there's this new french girl in our class" a girl with her back towards me says "I bet she doesn't know a lick of english"another girl chuckles "actually she does surprisingly but her accent is so funny"all of them chuckle "mommy always said french girls like to get it no matter what" i bow my head down starring at my hands "yeah! she has her claws on James already" they again nod "ew what a whore" a girl scoffs looking back at me, it's ok Grace they just don't know you yet. "well you must be a jealous whore since you tried to get into a bedroom with him at Lilyin's party" I look up to see a girl starring at the table of others with a boy behind her "thats not true!" she dreadfully screams catching everyone's attention making her run out of the lunch hall.

"hey you ok?"the girl and boy turn to me i simply nod "you know in lunch time we eat right" the boy chuckles and takes a seat by me and so does the girl "I'm Kim Novak thats Desi Arnaz"she points to the black haired boy "hello" he waves and digs into his food "ugh pig, anyways whats your name?" she turns to me still with untouched food "Grace Murphy"I say and clear my throat "that doesn't sound french"she begins to eat "my dad's American and my mom is french I lived their most of my life"I smile "Wow how'd they meet"she says with amazement in her eyes "they were childhood friends dad's family went to pairs for vacation a lot and once they got older married and had me, the war brought him closer to me at least" I smile at her "wow thats so romantic" she hits Desi "why can't you be like that" i chuckle "so you will let m-" she brings her hand up "never mind, you should eat something" before i could speak a tray is set in front of me "oh merci" I look up to James "see" Kim stares at Desi.

"James go sit with the rest of your trouble maker friends" Kim shoo'd him like his mother making me giggle slightly "see ya around Mon amour" he winks "what'd he say" Desi says looking up at me from his food "my heart" I chuckle and start eating "Grace don't mess with that boy"He says again looking at me as if I knew him for a long time "he's a trouble maker just take our word for it"

the rest of the day went by fast since the rest of my classes were with those two, "ready?" i place my last book into my locker "yes" Kim wraps her arm with mine and we head out, she lives in my neighbourhood as well, "soooo is there anyone special back in France?" she giggles as we walk into our neighbourhood "no I was home schooled anyways I have to go to now" i stop by the bus stop "what why?" she tilts her head "I work for the studios in Hollywood"i smile "ah is my friend going to be a movie star" she places her hand on her hip grin at me "you just watch" i smile walking into the bus "I'll be on the big screen" we both chuckle.

"your coming in or what girl" the old man says "oh sorry sir" i walk in and take a seat waving back at Kim, well at least i have two friends now, "hey boy you can't be sitting next to her" the bus driver says to the boy beside me who is black, mother always taught me never to judge someone by their skin color, i open my mouth to say such things but the boy stands up and walks to the back of the bus, i turn and frown at him mouthing 'sorry'

Grace L. MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now