Chapter four: worrying signs

Start from the beginning

He looked close to tears, but Lexan had to roll his eyes and say "one, the king will be fine, he's got a strong neck, and two? my plans ALWAYS work" he smiled at the watery chuckle.

The door to his ship opened and in came linn, the queen and king, they looked at the boy who was wiping his eyes "hello Jonson" the king said smiling, the boy stood and hugged him, the king chuckled and rubbed his head, however, Lexan held his gun up and said "all of you, take your rings off! now" the king sighed and did so, he nodded and the others followed suit "sorry, had to check" "indeed you did" the king said nodding "now I have some news for you all"

They looked at him, and noticed how troubled his eyes were "I have a feeling that the council were not acting under their own desires....." the queen sat down on a chair and asked "how so?" "take a look at them, all of them hideously malformed? visual manipulators that are near perfect and don't have a time limit, and all of them seemed to act as a group instead of an individual" "you aren't......seriously suggesting that this is of that monster!" the queen asked shocked, and worried.

"That is exactly what I am thinking" the king said grimly "um, sorry and all, but I think you've gone about seven steps ahead of the rest of us" Lexan said confused while the other two nodded.

The king rubbed the back of his head and said "do either of you remember the bout of solar plague going around?" Lexan frowned and said "yeah, but the people eventually got cured right?" "they did, and the rest was forgotten, but what you don't know is that plague wasn't natural, it was synthetically manufactured"

The younger people's jaw dropped and linn asked "who made it? and did you catch him?" "No, but the person who made it is neither man or just exists, we managed to wage a silent war against the fiend while the scientists worked day and night on a cure......"

Jonson spoke "but, there's gotta be something else right?" "You are quite correct Jonson, the plague was unfinished by the time we attacked, but given the time, it could make it perfect, and we would be doomed......that is why I'm asking you, Lexan, to be our eyes and ears in space, let us know if something comes up, and we'll send help to that planet"

Lexan nodded and went to stand, but linns voice cut in "which is all very good, but I believe you have a promise to keep Lexan" she was smiling, looking at him warmly, and his eyes went wide as the queen chuckled "yes, he does" "what? the king asked, confused "he promised to marry me!"


The alavile people were buzzing with anticipation, all the rumors were true! the Terren Lexan and their very own princess would be man and wife, the preparations had started months ago, and would be held on the day when the blue moon would be closest, the reason for this would be that the blue moon was royal, and symbolized the act of marriage.

Lexan stood on the balcony, staring at the stars and the approaching blue moon.....he was worried, he knew linn would want to come with him, to remind him he was married, which he didn't need to, he loved her with all his heart and would always love her.

No, what he was worried about were two things, her reputation, and her safety. her reputation for marrying a Terren who also happened to be a smuggler and solar pirate, and her safety for the same reason, he heard footsteps and turned to see the king.

He looked jolly and happy, like Father Christmas, only with a short black beard and pepper and salt shaded hair. he saw him and beamed "here he is! the future prince" he laughed and joined him, Lexan chuckled, the king had had a lot to drink, and he was always a happy drunk.

But seeing his future sons face worried, he became worried, his mind clearing "what's the matter my boy? don't tell me your getting cold feet, to use the Terren term" "no, it's not that at all!" the king heaved a sigh of relief and asked "then what had gotten you so upset that you would forsake the warmth of friends and your future wife?" "I'm worried what would happen, would the people still love her? or will the forsake her because of my profession?"

The king nodded "there's more isn't there?" "yes, I'm also worried about her safety, what if rivals attack, what if police capture us? What if-" "what if you stop worrying" the king said, noticing how he was working himself into a frenzy "my daughter is a high princess of one of the strongest Terren alliances in all the galaxy, add to that that you haven't been caught once makes it very unlikely that your going to be caught by police"

He paused here to sip his drink "as for the rivals? well, blow them up, I've seen that ship in a dog fight, remember? space pirates attacked our ship? you swooping in and taking them out with ease?" here Lexan laughed and scratched his nose, his way of showing modesty.

"I'm sure my people will love her all the same, and remember, in the words of a great writer from a long time ago 'those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind" he smiled and held out his hand "" the king accepted and together, they walked back inside.

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