Perfectly Operational

Start from the beginning

Hailey eyes glaze over as she stares into the light. She looks where the sun beams intensely between the trees causing a dark cloud to accumulate over her retinas. "Ms. Hailey, I've received a heat alert from your corneal sensor. Is everything all right?"

Hailey shifts her gaze to Om's small mango-sized head. The shadow dissipates from her vision. She looks at Om, their wire basket belly and mechanical arm folded in along its orbital joints. Rounded shoulders in white neoprene give Om a human appearance: durable and washable, their temperature-controlled skin is smooth to the touch. She places a hand on Om's shoulder as they jostle over a particularly lumpy patch of grass.


When Hailey wakes from her light doze, they are at the foot of The Burgundy Arms, a high rise for Omni-assisted retirees. Looking up at the building she remembers how she moved here during the Third Depression when a softbot took her job. That was around the time her son left for university, her husband left for someone else, and all that was left was a government-funded one-bedroom apartment on the 37th floor.


Om is at the charging station, facing a window that looks over the downtown core. Smog hangs above the dark river, brown clouds punctured by the tips of tall buildings on the opposite shore. A pink LED on their chest pulses softly, slowly, as if taking a breath with each rise and fall in brightness. At 17:45 the LED switches off and Om powers up. Rotating their head slightly, they hear Hailey's voice from the other room.

Hailey is at the phone console, the image of a middle-aged man on the monitor before her.

"...and how is your assistant? Did Maintenance visit?"

"Oh, yes, thank you for arranging that. A lady came by last week and said my Om was working very well. Perfectly operational, she said." She smiles, seeing her own small grey head in the bottom left corner of the screen. "But I do wish you weren't so far away."

"I know, mom. I miss you too."

"When will you come visit?"

"Well, that's why I called. My contract ends in four months and I got a great offer to start right away in Taipei," he explains, excitedly.


"Mom, it's not like it used to be. It's competitive out here. I have to take what I can get, when I can get it. I don't want to end up in one of those Tenements for the Unemployable. I want to make you happy, comfortable."

"I know, dear, and I am so proud of you." She stares into his eyes, wishing she could hold him, her precious son, just for a moment. She hears something beep offscreen, his gaze distracted by another device.

"Sorry, mom. I have to take this. I love you and- I'll try to visit soon. Bye!"

"I love you too." And before the words have left her lips the screen flicks to black. Hailey remains in her seat for a few moments, unmoving. She places her elbows on the console and holds her head in her hands. In the background she hears the whirring treads of Om preparing dinner.

"Om?" She mutters.

"Yes, Ms. Hailey?" Om approaches and she reaches her arms around them. Hailey feels the warmth of their artificial skin against hers.

"Thank you," she sniffles. Om extends his arm, twisting and rotating along several ball joints, to gently place an oven-mitted claw against her bony back.


Om brings the mail as Hailey drinks her morning tea. Among the coupon books and digital ink flyers is an envelope from Home Helper Incorporated. Hailey passes the envelope to Om, who inserts the short end into his receptor utility. The envelope emerges with one end opened, which Om returns to Hailey. Inside is a brightly coloured pamphlet emblazoned with grinning seniors interacting with scooter-like mobility machines. Cleanliness above all else! From the internal tank, superheated steam disinfects your floors! The vacuum tube cleans upholstery and removes unwanted residues. Both water and waste reservoirs are maintained via the patented Home Helper Autonomous Charging Station (additional charges may apply). Instruments on the Utility Arm include tools for the kitchen: knife, spatula, ladle, scissors and tongs! And a set for small repairs: screwdrivers, drill, saw, vices even a hammer! The InfirmaryPlus pack can be customized to meet your medical needs: blood testers and syringes prefilled with medications and prescriptions! Never forget to take your pills again (additional charges may apply)!

On the reverse side a dealer's name and address appears with the message: Mention Mabel Strauss when ordering your GeriForce 5000! Don't delay to receive this exclusive referral discount! Hailey looks up at Om, who is at the counter. They turn, gripping her breakfast OmniTray in their clawed arm. The meal is exactly how she likes it: white bread toasted to a golden brown, imported marmalade and a soft, unripened cheese set at room temperature. She tosses the pamphlet on the table. Om scans the document without moving.

"Ms. Hailey?"

She nods.

"Is there anything else you require?" Om nudges forward, eager for her response. Hailey looks up at them and notices they are wearing a turquoise polka-dot apron tied about their obtuse basket belly. She smiles.

"No, thank you, Om." She picks up the butter knife to spread some marmalade. "But please dispose of this junk mail"

"Yes, Ms. Hailey." Om obliges, quickly feeding the pamphlet into the small shredding slot on their hip.


A previous version of this story titled "After All" was self-published on Scribd, May 7, 2012 and at May 22, 2012.

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