Passive skill:

1. If enemy get close in 10 meters, reduce their attack and magic up to 35%

2. The Force power you have increase damage from your secondary weapon up to 15%

3. Intimidating aura, reduce enemy speed up to 20%

4. Focus, increase your skills up to 25%

5. When you use a Lightsaber, increase agility and attack up to 30%


When the clone wars takes place, Nalah Arcana is a Grey Jedi (balanced user of the Dark Force and Light Force) who is appointed as one of the Jedi General in the Old Republic on the decision of the Jedi High Council and Nalah the only one Jedi Mas...

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When the clone wars takes place, Nalah Arcana is a Grey Jedi (balanced user of the Dark Force and Light Force) who is appointed as one of the Jedi General in the Old Republic on the decision of the Jedi High Council and Nalah the only one Jedi Master who is very young, 17 years old. Even though he is a Gray Jedi he is very wise and intelligent in using Dark Force in combat and his personality is very kind. The fierce battle at Geonosis was won by the Old Republic, but many Jedi had to sacrifice their lives for that war. 

A year after the war in Geonosis, Nalah began preparing an attack to eliminate the remains of Sith on several planets in the galaxy on the Republic Attack Cruiser

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A year after the war in Geonosis, Nalah began preparing an attack to eliminate the remains of Sith on several planets in the galaxy on the Republic Attack Cruiser. But something unexpected happened, Coruscant where the Jedi Temple is located, attacked by a clone troops which was controlled by chancellor Palpatine and succeeded incited Anakin Skywalker so that the Jedi purge occur. After being shocked to hear that event also about order 66 and the Jedi massacre, Nalah immediately returned to Coruscant with the ETA-2 Jedi Starfighter to ensure the safety of Grand Master Yoda, and other Jedi councils. When he arrived at the Coruscant's orbit he was suddenly attacked by 4 V-Wing Fighter, but Nalah avoided the attack and counterattacked them, after that he managed to destroy 3 V-Wing Fighter. But his Jedi Starfighter gets hit right at Space Drive from the last V-Wing Fighter, the damage that occurred in the Space Drive made a dimensional gate that cause Nalah sucked into it.

 But his Jedi Starfighter gets hit right at Space Drive from the last V-Wing Fighter, the damage that occurred in the Space Drive made a dimensional gate that cause Nalah sucked into it

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Nalah was sucked into the dimensional gate and out of it, he was on the orbit of a blue planet that he had never seen before. Most of the planet has a vast ocean, he has seen many planets in the galaxy but has never seen a planet as beautiful as this. His admiration must be gone when his Jedi Starfighter gives a danger sign that there is damage at the engine. The strong gravity of the planet pulling the Jedi starfighter into the planet with high speed, then leads to the forest and crashes into the trees, falling very hard to the ground. Nalah unconscious because of the severity of the collision on the ground, when he woke up he was in a room and his belongings were at a table near the bed. His head ached because from the impact before. Then he heard someone open the door and see old men and old women. He saw them not threatening and thanked them for their kindness in helping him. They invited Nalah to have dinner with them and he gladly accepted it.

At dinner they both asked who is Nalah and where he came from. Nalah tells them where he came from and the galaxy he lives and also a title he have. Both of them confused what meaning of Jedi. Then he tells what is the Jedi and showing them The Force power. They're so amazed with that and he only smile with their reaction. Now Nalah asked them where he is and the name of the planet he is now, the old man taking a computer device. He said Internet can answer everything what Nalah want to ask, he tells Nalah how to use it and start searching everything information about the planet and galaxy. The name planet is The Earth and located in the Milkyway Galaxy.

It has been two years Nalah is on Earth. He studied the history, culture, technology, animals, plants, and geography of planet Earth. Where he is now in the Alaska region of the United States and helps activities of the old man and old woman he now considers to be a foster parent. And Nalah realized that there was no way he could return to the galaxy he came from, because his Jedi Starfighter had been destroyed when he landed on Earth. He also knows that there are still many conflicts that occur on several continents, which makes his Jedi instincts want to help the weak people who are trapped in the conflict. He enrolled in the US Air Force with hiding his true identity and he accepted. 

Two years later, Nalah's career jumped very high. He got the rank of Lieutenant General in the age of 21 years old for his services in the mission given to always succeed with extraordinary results. Even though he has reached a high level his personality never changed, he very nice to anyone and often making jokes to his men also he very respectful to the older soldier than him.

One day, Nalah read a assasination report of a named Major General (F/N) (L/N). Nalah was surprised because he was the same age as him. The result of the investigation is the conspiracy of some generals who were jealous and annoyed at him. After that the generals involved were arrested and executed for their heinous acts. The incident happened a dozen years ago.

When Nalah get a day off, he often goes to the mountains to meditate with wearing his armored robes plus mask and balancing the power of the Force. While meditating, a dimensional gate suddenly appears and immediately attract his attention. Soon Nalah draw his Lightsaber if the one that comes out is Sith or other threats. But that comes out is a soldier, then he tell Nalah to calm down because he come from Hades World. He gave a scroll to Nalah, an invitations to join a league about testing skills and abilities againts other fighter from different worlds. Then Nalah accept it and follow the soldier into dimensional gate. 

When he got inside, Nalah stunned with the place and the other fighters

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When he got inside, Nalah stunned with the place and the other fighters. The place name  is Hinousho the legendary city of battle, reminded about Coruscant and Jedi Temple, and the fighters are exactly the same as in comics or manga and even the characters from the anime and game also exist. Nalah's appearance makes a little attention to other fighters, because it seemed a bit intimidating and the mysterious power that was on him. When Nalah walked looking for information he saw a familiar face. The face of a general who was killed a dozen years ago, (F/N) (L/N). He wanted to follow him and make sure he really was that general. But Nalah discouraged him, because it was too early to prove it. He hopes to see him again and be friends with him.

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