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Bad news like a sucker punch, what do you say?

Air knocked out of my lungs, want you to stay

When you hear something difficult, don't back away

Some people say nothing, good ones engage


life.wast. me? time to go. i grab my razor blade and put some random pills in my bag. I run down stairs to see my boyfriend making out with some blond girl on the couch. i grab a pen and a paper to leave a note.


i cant take this pain that you give me so we are through. goodbye forever xxx avril

i walk out of my house and walk for what feels like forever but its onley a few minute. i walk into the forest and set every thing. first i put the pills in and swollow.  then lastly i cut about 16 times. My vision started to blurr and my throught started to burn as i saw a bunch of people start to come over to me. They started to scream while on just ran to me and carried me bridal style somewere. I just let darkness consume me

dan's pov

We were filming overjoyed when i saw a figure laying on the ground. i walk over to see a girl with blood on her wrist and pills spilled out every were. I hear kyle scream as I pick her up. I run to the nearest hostpital and as i ran in nurses stoped and looked at me. When they saw the girl In my arms the pulled out a gurney and i placed her on in it. they ran awaywith me to walk back to a chair in the waiting room.

Later a nurse came out and looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

" are you with the young lady who tried to kill herself" he asks.

" yes"

" follow me" i stand up and follow .

" there's good news and bad news. Witch do you want first " he asks.

" bad news"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2014 ⏰

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