Chapter Two

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All the credit goes to the original aurthor- theblobonwallstreet. This is still their chapter.


"Well than Draco, if you feel you are up to the task than I see no reason to stop you but, I also see no reason to give you anything special for your actions I would prefer if you were to still keep him in your Slytherin dormitory." Dumbledore winked at Draco.

Draco cleared his throat and said "Headmaster Dumbledore, I really do not think that's a good idea I mean-"

"No Draco, I think that you will do just fine with what you are provided and all of your fellow Slytherins will help you," Dumbledore shoved off the complaint,

ᴅᴜᴍʙ ᴏʟᴅ ᴍᴀɴ is what Draco thought Harry just pulled on his face forcing home to look down at him, "Hawwy don wanna meet new people!"

"I don't want you to either," muttered Draco as they exited the office, Draco just giving up, the eighth years were bad enough, insulting him mostly for not killing famous Potter and the first to seventh years just thought of him as the traitor Malfoy, of course he wasn't! He was the great Draco Malfoy! But all that would be gone now that he was bringing Po- Harry into the dorms.

Draco looked down at the cute little boys face giggling and clapping his hands together, Draco forgot all about his problems bumping into a wall, falling down and letting go of Harry.

"Oh no! Hawwy kill Dwaco no no no Hawwy no want to kiwl Dwaco! Hawwy wuv Dwwaco!" Harry sat on the ground and began crying a good puddle was created before Draco stood up and picked up the boy.

"No baby Potter-" Draco started before Harry put a hand over his mouth.

"Potter a bad name!" He said.

"What do you bloody mean Potter is a bad name, it's yours!"

Harry put his hand over Draco's mouth looking around to see if he saw anybody coming, no one was though.

Draco crouched down and looked Harry right in the eyes, "Who told you Potter was a bad name, boo boo?" 

Harry giggled then put on a much more serious face and whispered in Draco's ear, "Uncum Verwom!"

"Who's uncle Vernon next to the great Potters!" Draco said he didn't like the Potters, but everybody knew they were great people and no one argued with that.

"Welly?" Harry asked his big, green eyes twinkled with excitement.

"Yes! Do you want to hear a story?" He asked the excited boy.

"Ya! Ya! Ya! I nemer get stowys wed to me in da cwoset!" Harry clapped his hands excitedly.

"In the what now?" Draco looked at Harry.

"In da cwoset?" Harry told Draco firmer.

"Why would you be in a closet?" Draco asked.

"I live dare," Harry sounded bored more than scared what crap has this kid gone through? "Now let's wead stowy!"

"Okay, okay, let's read a story get up on my back your gonna have a piggyback ride!" Draco helped Harry get up and than he told Harry stories all the way to the dorms...

Me Hawwy (Being Rewritten In A New Version) Where stories live. Discover now