The Push Back

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    The Americans forces stop the Chinese hard because it was becoming winter and the Chinese were prepared to take America in September but the USA slowing down the Chinese supply's in the Pacific Ocean and America invaded Cuba and took it. When the paratroopers landed in the middle of the night and took the frontlines the USA Marine Crops tanks will move forward and retake the front line and moves into the Great Plains area. But the Chinese had control over the Mississippi River. So the US Navy seals will go down the river starting from Michigan Lake all the away down to the Golf of Mexico taking out beach head fortresses and take the Mississippi back from the Chinese and the US Air Force will keep cover over of the boats. Then the USA Military forces will force there way to the Pacific Ocean doings a blitzkrieg tactics and take back the Rocky's and stay there and will kept up with gorilla fighting and the USA force the Chinese back to California and stop and will take Hawaii back. Then the White House will nuke California and move on.

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