Oh trust me, I know. "Yeah, I get it." I stop and stare at him, getting every last beat in. "Just be careful, ok?"

I read the paper of a graphic story, something awful had happened to a teenage boy who liked another boy in London. Some older men got around to the news and decided to punish him, punish him! The boys body was found in the lake a few days later, and the men responsible are free today, members of the police, if you can believe that.

"I will," He smiles, "I love you, June."

My face softens, "I love you too."

" 'kay, I'll be leaving now, have you got a key?"

"Ah, yeah, but do you mind leaving the door unlocked. I think Michael'll be over soon."

He nods. "Sure thing." Before admiring me. "You look really happy June, like you're glowing."

"Really?" In my awkward position, I sit up and grin at him.

"Really babes," He sulks. "I got to go but fingers crossed I'll be back before you leave!"

I blush, "I hope so too, but if not, I love you, ok?"

"Love you more!" He exclaims, grinning like a toothy boy, "Bye babes!"

The moment makes me want to break down. He's far too sweet, far too sweet. And I'm going to miss him dearly. "Bye," I feel my shoulders drop and I exhale, resuming to fold away my clothes.

Once the packing is done, I get up to stand and move my two bags over to the front door. I bathe and change, first I hear a creaking at the door and remember that the doors open for Michael.

I make my way into the hallway and freeze as my eyes don't meet his sweet green. But rather her deep brown ones. I swallow, following her body movements as she raises a gun at me.

At first I think, that's odd that she knows my adddress, and I think about the technicalities or finding my flat. Then I think, why has a got her gun pointed at me? And like a rush of air comes swooping by me, a waft of whiskey resonates off of her and into my nostrils.

I blink at her, recalling her words in the mansion: You're not taking my boy! Not again, I won't let you!

I won't let you.

I won't let you.

Holy shit. Without considering it, I raise my hands up at her, my scalp prickles and the more I stare at her, the more I am see what this woman means.

"Polly," I begin, but she is already ready to finish it.

"Shut up!" She shouts, her voice echos. The gun doesn't shake, she's certain.

I swallow, "Okay. Okay."

I think of what I can do. The brain already sorting out things to say, ways I can get out of this, but I can only see or do one thing, and that's to run for the hills. She blocks the door, and I know I can take her, but I don't think I can beat her gun.

"I spoke to God about you," She uses the gun to point at me. "He said I can't let you walk away with my boy. You'll never bring him back. And I've spent a long time without him." She almost sounds like she's happy, her voice so far away.

"You must think you're clever," She scoffs before tapping the side of her head. "But I've got God on my side, June."

The gun is pointed back at me and I think about running. I can feel my knees buckle though, locked to the ground. Move!

I tell myself, knowing those tablets are the reason to all of this. The woman I met the first day was loving to her son, she wouldn't want to harm the person her son loves! A chill runs down my spine, she will kill me if she wants to. She is more than capable for harming me.

"Michael and I won't go-" I blurt out far too quickly. "I swear Polly, we won't-"

Pow! Trigger is pulled and I can feel something enter me and shoot right out. The impact is unimaginably sudden and forced, bringing me down the very second the bullet hits me. It's a hit to the side of my body, just bellow my ribs, a graze. I fall onto my back, but quickly roll over onto my stomach in a gasp, knowing the bullet grazed me, I think to crawl but that is cut short when I heard the gun go off again. Bam!

My eyes water at the second hit, stopping me from moving now, I let out a cry so loud it only makes me choke and break into a sob. , a can feel the remarkable and new sensation of immense pain in my leg. I collapse on the floor, coughing and wheezing. All I can hear is my beating heart slow down the more I breathe. And my breaths come out, I stop fighting, and just wait for the next shot. Perhaps she'll shoot me in the back of my head, finish me off that way. My thoughts are answered when

June, I love you. Stay awake for me.

His voice, it keeps my eyes open as I can feel the blood in my throat. I lay there, on my stomach, looking at my fingertips that drip of blood. I stare at the bleak white walls and wish I had coloured them. Death by gunshots, fine, but will the last thing I see really be these boring white walls?

My eyes roll back again, sleepier than before. And all I can see are those eyes, damn, I hope he isn't the one to see my lifeless body. And if he is, I hope he can allow himself the truth. Fuck, I swallow and can feel my throat tighten as all I can think about is the moment I was wrapped up in his arms in the closet at the orphanage hiding from the rich London folk.

Don't let them hurt me, ok, Henry?

I won't. I'll protect you, Juney, I promise.

You promised...Henry, you promise.

TOUGH LOVE • MICHAEL GRAY FANFIC Where stories live. Discover now