He stands before me. His eyes a distant green, he looks stressed, his eyes telling me that he hasn't slept. And the way he slouches over himself makes me wonder if he's sober. Michael has great posture. I frown, my eyebrows pulling together.

"Is everything ok?" I ask quietly, slowly, scared of what his answer might be.

I take my time to look around his features, making sure everything is still in place. And it is, he's not got a single scratch on his face.

He clears his throat."June, we need to talk."

"So talk!" I'm exasperated.

I turn to look at the water as the sun makes the water glisten, sparkle even. I listen intently to his words, but don't let myself react. I know it hurts, and I know my body is trembling. But how can I show these emotions? How can I, when its such a beautiful day. And I'm here, alive, and well. I shouldn't be sad, perhaps this will be good.

"This isn't going to work any longer."

I stare blankly at him, wondering if Tommy had gotten to him.

"Do you hear me?" He sounds unsteady, "This isn't going to work. We can't be together."

"God," I scoff, "I wonder how many times you've rehearsed that because it still sounds stiff."

He grabs my hands, pulling me to look at him. I stare into his eyes, green, but a tinge darker. I suck in my breath, moving my eyes from each one of his.

"We need to stop."

"Why?" I ask, "What happened?"

He ducks his head down, exhaling.

"Hmm? What happened?" I reach for him, pressing my hand against the side of his face, I lift his face up, and he lets me lean in. "Tell me. Talk to me. Let me in."

Pain flashes across his face as he lets me in, "June it was-" He shakes his head, and then it all just stops.

He grabs my wrists and forces me off of him, taking a step back as if I'm the enemy.

He reaches into his pocket and fetches out a thin and long piece of paper and hands it to me, "I got you this," He says in a hurry, I take it in my hands and look down, my eyes instantly watering as I finish reading the the ticket.

My mouth nearly hits the floor. "A oneway train ticket to London?"

When I look back up at him he has tears in his eyes, he has his hand out again, and an envelope of cash sits in it. I push it back into him, taking a step back. He's telling me to leave the fucking city?

"I know I'm the one who started this with you, June. I know I'm the one who asked you to stay with me, but if you stay, your protection won't be ensured."

"That's it! The going gets tough and you-you give up?" I ask him, my voice louder than anticipated. "Who talked to you?!" I shout, "Was it Thomas?"

"He mentioned Grace, and how he wished he never did the selfish act of making her his wife. He said the day she died, a part of him died with her-"

"Bullshit!" I almost blurt out the fact that he gave me an ultimatum, join the family gang or he'll make sure Michael ends the relationship we have. My feet move without warning and I walk towards the end of the pavement, I'm a step away from the water before I throw the paper ticket away into the water.

"June!" He shouts, "What the-"

"Fuck you!" I say through gritted teeth, I begin to cry. Tears rolling down my cheeks. "And fuck you for coming back into my life!" I sniffle, letting out a sob before his strong arms around my body. He embraces me, but it only makes me cry louder.

TOUGH LOVE • MICHAEL GRAY FANFIC Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon