Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

You and Eleri have rooms across the hall from each other you both came out of your rooms at the same time
Kylie: what do you think?
*she said using her hands to pull the tight black strapless dress down to her knees to show off a little more cleavage*
Eleri: looking good sista!
*kylie did a little twirl *
Eleri: ok what about me?
*Eleri grabbed at the top of her sparkly brown dress she adjusted the straps that crossed around her neck and fiddled with the length a bit waiting for you to make a decision*
Kylie: smoking!
Eleri: really?!
*she said feeling around at the few sparkles at the top*
Kylie: yeah you look amazing!
*you both head to the bathroom that shared a wall with Eleri's room. On the back of the door there was a full body mirror and over the sink was also a large mirror. So you were checking out your outfits for yourself. Both your exes still follow you on social media.*
Kylie: let's take a picture we are looking fly
*you both walk out of the bathroom and walk through the small hallway to go get your phones and head back into the bathroom. To take a picture with the great angle from the mirror. You close your eyes and stick your tongue out while putting your weight into one hip so it pops out. A flash goes off and the picture looks great! You caption it "we really out here"
Eleri: they are going to be so jealous
Kylie: you already know!!
*you posted the picture to your Snapchat story. You had unfriended your ex a while ago but he always watched your story, and something about that comforted you just knowing he still was looking out for you and knowing you could make him miss you with a hot new picture of you looking sexy in a tight dress just made you feel powerful*
Kylie:ok ready to go party?
Eleri: hell ya!
*you both grab your clutches and head out the door.

*you get in the drivers seat and hand your sister the aux and jam out to some yung gravy for a bit*
Kylie: this is the pre club playlist
Eleri: haha yep!
*as you both sing the lyric in sync*
*Eleri turns down the music So you can talk*
Eleri: tonight we are forgetting about those assholes who broke our hearts. We are celebrating leaving there sorry asses behind and starting a new chapter of our life!
Kylie: he'll ya! We are going to have so much fun and just really enjoy ourselves maybe get a little crazy
Eleri: oh yeah you know it if there is any cute guy I'm giving them my number
Kylie: how about girl with the most snapchats/numbers wins
Eleri: what do we win?
Kylie: uhhh how about loser has to do the dishes for a week
Eleri: oh man that's going to suck for you
Kylie: woah your a cocky little Bitch aren't you
Eleri: how long have you known me and your just figuring this out
*you both share a laugh. Then go on GPS to find the club, it's only 5 minuets from your apartment but you have been driving for about 15. Just circling around because you kept missing a turn*
Eleri: ok it's this right
Kylie: hey there it is!
*you see a bright pink sign that says CRAZE and a a line of about 20 people outside it. You park and head out to the line that has shortened a bit since you last saw it*

*a few minutes past and your at the front of the line. A bouncer stamps both your hands and asks for some photo ID and then waves you on in to the club*

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