
Tyler joined in with the crowd, as Brie stood there clueless as to what to do. Her guess was that Hemmings was one of the boxer's names, although she wouldn't know as there was too much on her mind to even focus on the match.

For one of the first times since she arrived, she brought her attention to the ring.

Her eyes wandered onto a tall, lanky, male who was continuously throwing punches at his much shorter, but more muscular opponent. He didn't appear to be a boxer. He had some muscle, although it was nothing compared to the fighters Brielle had seen on T.V. It didn't matter though, because the punches seemed to be affecting the opponent, as within a few seconds he fell to the ground.

Brielle never expected an underground boxing match to have this many people attend. You'd think they'd be quieter, with this being illegal and all. She'd half expected the cops to bust through the doors responding to a noise complaint or something, only to find an illegal boxing match.

Would she get in trouble for attending? Would she have to run? They wouldn't arrest her, right? She could not handle being someone's bitch.

Just as she was losing herself in thought again, she felt a hand firmly grip her arm. She didn't appreciate how tight of a grip it was, but she refused to say anything in fear of Tyler saying something rude to her again.

"Come on, we need to leave before everyone else does." And with that, Tyler was pulling Brielle out of the club and into the parking lot.


They ended up in the alley behind the club.

Tyler was drunk and couldn't drive, and he insisted that Brielle not drive. So he decided that the best idea was to wait until he sobered up. Brie didn't argue with him. At least he was smart enough to not drive under the influence, although she didn't understand why he couldn't just let her drive.

Netflix was waiting for her at home.

Also, why out of all places would he choose a dark back alley in the middle of the night? First the underground fight club and now this? Was he trying to get her killed?

She was still angry at Tyler for how he talked to her inside, the fact that he drank enough to not be able to drive and that he even brought her to a boxing match in the first place. Even though it wasn't the most enjoyable time, she didn't want to ruin her "date" even more by arguing about it. So she kept quiet.

Tyler took one last puff of the cigarette he was smoking, before he tossed it on the ground, smashing it with his foot.

That was another thing Tyler picked up in high school that Brielle didn't like. Whenever she would complain about it, he would always tell her to be grateful that he wasn't doing drugs.

He took a few steps towards her, their bodies now only a few centimeters away. She leaned against the wall behind her, and he put a hand above her head, leaning in towards her, just like when he asked her out.

"So, uh... what do you wanna do?" He questioned.

She still had some faith that this date could be saved. Especially if he sobered up. Tyler was nice to be around when he was sober.

"Well, I was thinking we could go walk to the diner and get something to eat. I'm starving and haven't eaten all-" A familiar feeling made Brie stumble on her words.

That was Tyler's lips connecting with her neck. It all happened so fast - too fast for Brielle to even comprehend.

"I think I have an idea of what I wanna eat," He mumbled, and Brielle's eyes widened at Tyler's revolting words. She could feel the smirk on his lips as they attacked her neck.

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