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The two eventually made it to a hill. Isaac knew this was where he wanted them both to be. As well as the thing he wanted to show to Max, he also had one thing he wanted to say to him. Something... Important. But before he wanted to say it, Isaac wanted this to still be a surprise. He let go of Max's hand. He kind of didn't want to but it was for the surprise. "Ok, Max. Shut your eyes for a second." Isaac said to Max as he turned to him. Max was confused again. "Dude. It's dark out and we walked a bit to get here in the first place." He said. "Just do it please." Isaac groaned. Max rolled his eyes and covered his eyes with his hands and they both went up the hill.

"Ok! Open your eyes!" Isaac said as they finally reached the top of the hill. Max put down his arm and looked up. His eyes lit up in amazement. There were several firefly like spirits and a much clearer view of the stars. It was simple but, Max had never seen fireflies in real life. He had always wanted to see them when he was younger but there was never any place in his old town to see them. He wasn't expecting for there to be spirits that reminded him of those. "Woah" Max said in astonishment. Isaac noticed that Max was smiling as he was looking around. He knew that Max was enjoying himself. He hadn't seen him smile in a very long time. Of course he did at times, but this time it felt special to Isaac. "How did you know I wanted to see them?" Max asked Isaac since he didn't remember telling him about this. Isaac just shrugged. "I didn't. I just had the feeling. Though I'm glad you like this." he said.

Isaac then remembered the thing he wanted to tell Max. He was a little worried about what he would say about it since this seemed so odd to him. Though, Isaac wanted this off his chest. He took a deep breath. "You know, this wasn't the only reason why I wanted you out here." Isaac said as he looked down. Max got curious as to what he meant. "Is it something to do with the activity club?" Max asked in suspicion. "N-no. It's not that it's just." Isaac stuttered. He tried to get a hold of himself and sighed. "You remember when you all kept secrets from me? Well this time... I've been keeping one from you." Isaac said with his face turning slightly red. Max became even more curious. He just smirked at him. "So you've been a hypocrite huh?" Max teased. Isaac was a little annoyed. "Max this is serious!" he said to him still blushing. "Look. It's just something that i felt for a while." Max looked up to listen to him. He could spot that a little blue spectral energy was showing up to him. Isaac continued to stutter.

"I just, W-we've known each other for a while now and I, I just feel a c-connection between us." He said blushing even more. Max tried to calm Isaac down as Isaac was still stuttering. "Hey. You're stuttering a lot. You don't need to sound so worried. Just calm down a little." Max reassured him. Isaac just looked back up at him. The fireflies were still floating around Max. Isaac looked back down. "O-ok. Ok. I just feel that... We... I..." Isaac tried to say more but the more he stuttered, the more he blushed. "Spit it out dude!" Max encouraged. "I love you ok!" Isaac loudly said as he looked back up at him.

He realised what he said and froze for a second. He quickly covered his face in embarrassment. Max started to turn red as well. He was surprised again. Max had the suspicion after all they have done together over the years but was never sure. Max felt like he felt the same way. Max looked at Isaac a lot calmer now. Isaac still covered his face. "I'm sorry I-" Isaac muffled but Max cut him off by trying to grab his hand. Isaac looked at his hand being held again before looking back up at Max. "You dork." Max teased before he leaned closer to Isaac to give him a small kiss on his head. Isaac froze again in shock. He started to smile before he started to laugh. He felt happy. Max just smiled back at him.

Max looked back down at his phone to see the time. Turns out it was 10:41. "Shoot!" Max said. Isaac looked up at him to see what was up. "I gotta get back home. Dad's probably wondering where I am." He explained.  "Ah dang. Well I'll see you at school tomorrow then?" Isaac asked him. "Definitely. See you later!" Max said as he walked back down the hill again. Isaac just watched him leave still smiling. He sat down to admire the fireflies. He finally said it and it was successful. 

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