Chapter 2

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  Call me a thief

There's been a robbery

I left with her heart

Tore it apart

Made no apologies

Just call me a thief

She was on top of me

Then I left with her heart

Broken and scarred

Made no apologies 

Someone pushes my arm, and I look up to see my brother nudging me to wake up. I take out one of my earbuds, pausing my music. "Are we there already?" I ask him, rubbing my eyes trying to look out the glass window. 

The wheels of the bus screech slowly to a stop and Pietro pats my thigh, signaling me to get up and go. "C'mon!! We're going to be late for school again!!" 

I quickly shoved my earbuds into the pocket of my red wool jacket, yelping as my brother quickly dragging me out of the packed bus filled with other students as well. When we finally got out, I tried catching my breath from the packed scene, but my brother doesn't waste no time to rush to class. 



My brother laughs as we both run through the closing gates of our highschool. He finally lets go of my hand when we meet the parking lot in the entrance of our school, which is filled with other students, hanging out with their other friends. 

Welcome to Marvel Academy everyone!!

One of the top schools in the world, where the rich get in with their money, while the poor get in with their sweat and work. Guess which class me and my brother fit in? 

Yup, the second one. 

Me and Pietro walks through the students who lean on the cars chatting with each other, while others head to class earlier. "Huh, I wonder where Clint and Natasha are..." my brother says looking around. 

"Yeah, I need to hand back some Physics notes I borrowed from her." I said, taking out the Nat's notebook. 

"Maybe they went to the cafeteria?" Pietro suggests, taking a peak at the notes. I close it shut, looking towards his pout. "I thought you were good at Physics?" 

"I am, but I don't take any notes. So I don't really know what's going to be on today's test." I smiled, knowing that I was going to receive an annoying expression from him.

"Who cares?" he rolls his eyes, "You're going to get a 100 anyways!!" 

I giggle, "Let's go to the cafeteria, they probably went to get some breakfast."  

My brother smiles, "More food!! Sounds good to me!!" putting his thumb up. 

Suddenly, something happened, a red dash crept from the corner of my eye. The sound of burning rubber reaches my ears. And my sight can't process the fast screech of the wheels, the slam of the breaks, the lights blinding my eyes as it hurls towards me and my brother.  

They call her a witch (Scarlet Vision)Where stories live. Discover now