Chapter 6: Leashed

Start from the beginning

Harry tsked and stood from his chair so quickly it knocked back onto the floor. He knelt before her and pulled her into a hug. She clutched at his back as he patted hers. "It's alright, 'Mione. I understand. Truly, I do. And I shouldn't have been so angry with you."

Hermione took a deep breath, inhaling Harry's scent. She willed her eyes to stay dry. She didn't really want to cry in front of him and pulled back from her best friend. "I hate fighting with you."

"We haven't done it in so long, I forgot we were capable," Harry teased.

"I can't believe you are just going to forgive him!" Sirius scolded from the sofa. Harry didn't react, so Hermione knew that he had remained invisible from his godson. She turned from Harry and narrowed her eyes at Sirius.

"He's your godson, and you've been whining about speaking with him for months. Of course, I have to forgive him," she said.

"Sirius?" Harry called out in the general direction of the living room. "Is he here? That's who you were talking to, right?"

"Merlin, did you have to reply?" Sirius asked as he glared at Harry.

"Grow up," Hermione snapped at Sirius. Then turned back around and took a sip of her tea. She was frustrated with the entire situation, and Sirius' childishness wasn't helping.

"Sirius Orion Black - show yourself immediately!" Harry demanded.

"Merlin, you sound like Lily," Sirius replied, and Hermione could see that this time Harry heard him. She warmed a little at hearing Sirius compare Harry to Lily. He so often compared his godson to James that it was rare to hear him talk about Lily.

Harry crossed his arms over his chest. "Nice of you to join the adults."

"And now you sound like me," Sirius replied, a confused look on his face. "She," he pointed at Hermione, "is your best friend. And has found herself wrapped up in something way bigger than her. You be nice to her." He wagged his finger at Harry.

"Did you not hear me forgive her?" Harry asked, holding up his arms. "I overreacted. I haven't done that in a while, but..."

Hermione bit her lip. She knew what he was going to say. But Sirius was his godfather. And she was his best friend and she should have told Harry. She regretted her actions immensely. She'd cost Harry six months of time with one of the only parental figures he'd ever had.

"Fuck," Sirius muttered. Harry nodded, and Hermione sighed. She stood from the table and drained her tea.

"You two should get caught up. I'm going on a walk," she said as she reheated the water in the teapot and set a spot for Sirius at the breakfast nook.

"In this weather?" Sirius asked.

Hermione turned and smirked at him, tapping the side of her nose. "I'm a witch," she said with a wink. She Summoned her raincoat from the front closet and left the cottage before Harry or Sirius said another word. She needed some time without testosterone.

Sirius wasn't wrong, the weather was downright nasty, and getting worse. It had been a windy drizzle when Harry had shown up, but it was turning into an outright storm now. She cast an Impervious charm on her raincoat and huddled into it as she walked along the path. There was a small duck pond about a mile from her cottage she liked to walk to occasionally, and that was where she headed now. The duck pond had the benefit of having a small picnic shelter where she could at least get out of the rain for a bit. It felt odd to be alone for the first time in months. Sirius had been her constant companion since he'd shown up back in October. Even when she was alone in her bedroom, she knew Sirius was just out in her living room. Her chest tightened when she thought of Sirius. She really didn't want to be falling in love with the man, but it seemed almost inevitable at this point.

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