"I have a wire in the backseat to connect a phone to the radio" I tell her

She unbuckled herself and turns to find the wire, when she finds it she gets situated back in hers seat. She plugs hers phone and the radio and finds some music to listen to "do you want to listen to SayWeCanFly?" she ask

"sure" I say
She picks a song by him and sets hers phone on hers leg, she flinches and pushes it to the side "what's wrong?" I ask

"nothing" she lies

"your lying" I say "just tell me" I add

"just a cut okay" she coldly

"when did you do it?" I ask

"yesterday" she says

"why?" I ask

"because" she pauses "Luke keeps calling me" she says

I hate that guy "why is he the reason behind that" I ask

"He keeps saying that he loves me and that... You. You Are not the right person for me. He says that.. That You'll turn around someday and leave me and that you don't love me, your using me for.. Things" she says

"he does not love you! I do! I believe that we are right for each other! I will not leave you! I'm not using you for anything, I would never do that!" I snap

"it's fine Johnnie don't get mad" she says

"how can I not get mad?" I ask "he doesn't know what goes on in between is so he doesn't know how we acted!" I add

"I won't let him get in between us. He doesn't matter to me" she says

"but his words matter that's why you cut!" I say
She sits back in hers chair and looks out the window with hers arms crossed "I'm sorry that I yelled" I apologise

"it's okay" she says but doesn't look at me

"it's not okay, I shouldn't do that to you of you don't deserve that" I say

"okay" she says

"are you alright?" I ask

"yea I'm okay" she says

"please say something else that doesn't have the word okay in it" I say

"fine" she says

At least she didn't say okay "are you mad at me now?" I ask

"no I'm not mad at you, Johnnie I'm fine" she uncrosses her arms and looks at me

"okay" I say. Damn now I'm saying okay

She leans over and gives me a quick peck on the cheek "Johnnie" she says

"uh?" I ask

"I love you" she says

I smile. I like when she randomly says that "I love you" I say back


"we're here" I pull up in the driveway of my grandparents house

"I'm so nervous" she says

"so am I" I say. I get out of the car and wait for her to get out. She tightly holds my hand as we walk up to the door. I ring the doorbell and a minute my grandma came out

"hey Johnnie" she smiles and pulls me into a hug making me let go of Dylan's hand

"hi grandma" I smile

"who is this?" she pulls away from me and looks at Dylan coldly

"I told you my girlfriend was coming" I tell her

Cømpletely Different (Book-2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ