Twins trouble!

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My dad kicked me out of the house when he found out I was pregnant and my Uncle Damian gave me a discount to his apartment building. He even gave me one with a sky-rise. But I obviously when the twins are old enough to start walking and crawling I have to watch the screen door so they don't go out there. Who knows, while I'm in the kitchen cooking dinner one of them could have wandered outside, climbed the furniture and fell of the edge.

Avalon started crying and I stood up carrying them both "aww bubbah, are you tired?" I walked up the stairs to my bedroom and set them down in their crib. They're still too young to be sleeping in the nursery, the Mothering website says the best age is when they're at least 2 months. Well, I still have a few weeks to go.

The twins are only 3 weeks old and cute as ever!

Sitting beside their crib I gently rocked it.

I'm a little butterfly,

spread my colourful wings.

Even though I'm small and frail,

I can do most anything.

Caterpillar in my cocoon,

I'm gonna be a butterfly soon.

I'm a little butterfly,

I can soar through the sky

So glad I ended up like this

Thanks to metamorphosis.

I'm a butterfly,

I'm a butterfly, yeah

I'm a butterfly.

This song always got them to sing... but it always got me to cry.

Austin, Trish and Dez are going to be here in an hour! Oh god! Clean, clean, clean! I threw all the dirty diapers in the trash bin and hurried around picking up toys and moving them into the nursery where the twins were sound asleep. I'm thankful my kids love sleep. Not like those annoying ones that wake you at 3 in the morning.

My patio was white tiles with glass railing and a black pole alone the corners and tops. Leaning over it I saw the limo pulling up out the front, oh god that's them. Cars parked instantly started flooding out paparazzi and reporters shouting the same questions at the gang.

How was tour?

Is team Austin splitting up?

Will Ally leave you for her own career?

How many fans did you sleep with while on tour?

It makes me sick! I would never leave Team Austin... I'm more worried about them leaving me. With this whole teen mom thing it's hard to make time for Austin's songs let alone mine.

"Move out of the way" Trish yelled pushing past the paparazzi to stand clear of Austin who looked in a hurry to get inside. I sighed walking over to my buzzer that was vibrating loudly.

"Yeah let them up" I spoke through the speaker holding down the button. I let go and sighed. This is going to be a disaster.

I sat on my couch impatiently when I heard the elevator ding outside the hallway. Oh god, oh god, oh god! I feel like I'm going to faint! My stomach turned and I felt sick. This could be the last time I see Austin... ever.

The door knocked and I opened it, holding my hand on the door knob for a few seconds. I was attacked with hugs from all three of them and Austin's was really tight. "I missed you guys so much" I stretched my arms around all of them.

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